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Software provider Avast sold products to people that were supposed to protect their privacy online. But in a recently settled lawsuit, the FTC says Avast’s business practices actually compromised consumers’ privacy and broke the law.

Since at least 2014, Avast collected a treasure trove of user information through its antivirus software and browser extensions without people’s consent. This included information about their

  • religious beliefs
  • health concerns
  • political leanings
  • locations
  • financial status

But that’s not all, the FTC says Avast sold the information through its subsidiary Jumpshot — without notifying people and getting their consent (again).

The FTC’s settlement order prohibits Avast from misrepresenting how it uses the data it collects. Additionally, Avast will pay $16.5 million dollars in redress to compensate people. Keep an eye on the FTC’s Refund Programs page in the coming months for more details. And to learn more about the FTC’s settlement with Avast, read the FTC’s business blog post.

Software provider Avast will pay $16.5 million for compromising consumers’ privacy
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Theresa Tredwell
February 26, 2024

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

February 26, 2024

Does this include the cell phone app? I use it for iPhone to provide a VPN. Or does this only apply to desktop computer software users?

FTC Staff
March 04, 2024

In reply to by TDR

It includes mobile software named “Avast Antivirus – Mobile Security and Virus Cleaner” between 2014-2020.

February 26, 2024

I use the Avast free version. Does the privacy effect this segment?

February 26, 2024

11:56 AM
Feb. 22, 2024

Thank you, I had been having problems with AVAST anti virus app. It was several years ago. I did not renew. I think they were located in Czechoslovak at that time.

Thomas Cirignano
February 26, 2024

Hello, I had Avast on my computers between the years 2014-2022. I've had 2 credit cards compromized between the years 2018-2022.
Is there a way that I can be informed and notified of how I can submit my name on a claim form?

February 26, 2024

Thank you for letting us know about the damage that this company has done to people that had trusted them for their online security.

Carlos Morcate
February 26, 2024

It is no wonder my wife and I get so many unsolicited e-mails from peddling salesmen to hackers or scammers.

Lashawn Pope
February 26, 2024

I have been hit hard with privacy issues and me and everyone I know is impacted behind these issues. I have proof of my database and identity being stolen. I am in need of a lawyer who handles this and reimbursement for my invention and work.

February 26, 2024

That’s really bad news! Avast presented themselves as a guardian, not a phony false-profit defender of your computer data and information!

stanley sofferman
February 26, 2024

i do not have all the facts, but in todays world they got away on the cheap side. how many more companies like that are out there or even worst.

Joe Dias
February 26, 2024

Was privacy of recipients of Avast customer's emails adversely impacted?

FTC Staff
March 04, 2024

In reply to by Joe Dias

No, the impact was to users of Avast’s mobile and desktop software or browser extensions.

Dorothy A Johnson
February 26, 2024

I used those crooks for while but deleted due they so called security was fake and had my computer messed up.

Donna Maurillo
February 26, 2024

Yikes! I've used Avast for a long time! Well, they say that everything online can be compromised at one point or another. But I never expected it from a company that was supposed to be protecting me. So, how do I trust another company now?

March 04, 2024

In reply to by Donna Maurillo

Donna, you don't. The computer is a public forum and I was told years ago (and try not to forget) that everything posted on a computer should be considered as private as a postcard that you mailed. Yes, I used Avast for a long time too. No longer, of course. But I'm like you, wondering who will fall next. My emails have been hacked for a couple decades and I just refuse to keep my most private information in electronic format -- I still use paper files at home. But business these days makes it tough. And really watch your medical files; they splash everywhere and HIPAA doesn't make much practical difference.

Michael Hysell
February 26, 2024

I believe that my account was hacked and my information was sent out on the dark web

Art Costa Sr
February 26, 2024

Wow! Like that was a great discovery!!!!! We, the people who don't fall for the "fool's gold" tantalizers, stay away from slime that say they are on your side only to stab you in the back. Soon, I hope the slime that use unfounded guilt to draw $11 or $19 or $25+ MONTHLY to fill the pockets of un-taxed monies that go right into their back pockets and participating family members. Shame on the "slime."

John Garlowich
February 26, 2024

Curious, asking me to keep an eye on digital information that slaughtered my finances already.

Wolfgang Kirchdorfer
February 26, 2024

How do I contact Avast about this payout? Or must one contact NortonLifelock?

February 26, 2024

This is beyond invasion of an individual's privacy. Does Avast believe it is GOD??
I have had the Avast app installed on my Samsung cellphone since May 2021. Since Avast has invaded my privacy, sold my information never asked for my permission, I feel I am entitled to compensation for being violated.

Tom Jasionowski
February 26, 2024

Used the software for years. So much for safety in the digital world. Don't trust any of them. Making money is there only priority. The fine was not enough.

James Pratt
February 26, 2024

Ya I was with avant for most three years so where and when do I get my part of the settlement

Chief Wolf
February 26, 2024


Lisa Kanne
February 26, 2024

How can I file?

February 26, 2024

First I'm hearing of this and I used Avast for numerous years. Why not put a link to where we can put in a claim?

Steve Furlan
February 26, 2024

I did have Avast a few years back. I remember thinking that there was something fishy about their program and receiving an over abundance of communications from them.

Tammy A Hosch
February 26, 2024

I was just wondering how to get in on this because I had a vast for my virus protection during that time do I need to file a claim

alan lansing
February 26, 2024

include me in this settlement. thank you.

February 26, 2024

The penalty is less than a slap on the wrist. They should contact each person, properly provide detail of how they collected the data. They should psy every penny they made back to thevpeople and be prevented from collecting any more data.

Tom Rush
February 26, 2024

i had complete faith in this company, boy am i an idiot to believe there's some good left out there !!!

February 27, 2024

I tried Avast took money and after a day I couldn't talk to them again

Candy Tunupopo
February 27, 2024

I have the app on my phone and laptop .that explains why my credit card was compromised sheeeshhh!!!

Sabrina Beard
February 28, 2024

I had that Avast services and had paid for it so how can I report it or do I need to report it?

Stephen Theus
February 29, 2024

How do I file a Claim?

March 04, 2024

I had avast , why I need to do

kim iram
March 13, 2024

i had paid avast for all their services since 2014,do i have a claim?

March 18, 2024

How do we go about getting a refund?

Renee Hammann
April 04, 2024

Thank you so much for doing something about this issue. I had used avast for years not aware of what information they were collecting.

April 15, 2024

What if you have the software on your device yet you did not install it nor can you remove it?

Texas Ted
April 23, 2024

Avast billed our credit card yesterday for software we did not request. We had to cancel our cards and will be getting new ones.

Avast Tendies
May 13, 2024

How do I get my AVAST TENDIES??!!!

May 24, 2024

Avast has stole my information as well and harasses me with spam phone calls