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Supplier Benefits

We Cater To You

Designed for the industry’s elite, Print+Promo’s Distributor Connects are exclusive relationship-building events featuring up to 25-27 pre-scheduled one-on-one sessions between distributors and suppliers over 2.5 days. Each meeting is held in an exclusive supplier suite, securing privacy and improving supplier-selling opportunities.

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Distributors Are Highly Qualified

We recruit and vet each distributor. We don’t use traditional event marketing practices that deliver large scale with low impact. We gather decision-makers responsible for with intent and budget to purchase.

  • Decision Makers
  • Intent to Purchase
  • Looking for Expert Partners
  • Budget to Purchase
  • $500k and up in sales

Each Component is Designed For Your Success

with powerful industry leaders and align your business with the industry’s best of the best.
with key sales executives who are qualified to handle top-tiered distributors.
new partnerships and expand your strategic, long-term relationships.