2023 IMC Hackathon on Network Interference Using Open Data

Important Dates and Deadlines

Applications openMonday August 28, 2023
Application deadline/As soon as we reach capacitySeptember 08, 2023 AoE (UTC-12)
First round acceptance letters sentSeptember 15, 2023
Introductory webinar for hackathon participantsSeptember 30, 2023
Teams formation and hackathon topics finalizedOctober 12, 2023
Hackathon 2023 in MontréalOctober 23, 2023
ACM IMC 2023 in MontréalOctober 24-26, 2023


On the eve of IMC 2023, The Internet Society, M-Lab, OONI, and Censored Planet invite you to join the IMC Hackathon on Network Interference using Open Data in Montréal, on Monday, October 23, 2023. This event is focused on exploring, analyzing, and visualizing open network interference data related to censorship and Internet shutdown events. Participants and supporters of the hackathon include Internet measurement professionals, students, data scientists, and in general anybody passionate about Internet freedom. People from a diversity of backgrounds such as economists, social scientists, and others who may not work directly with network measurement data and still want to contribute are encouraged to apply.

The hackathon will include knowledge-sharing sessions, discussions, and hands-on coaching from experts. Teams will be able to form at the event though are encouraged to connect ahead of time to maximize the brief time we have together. Project development and submission will occur on the date of the same day (October 23) to ensure that participants can fully dedicate their attention to the IMC conference for the remainder of the week.

Prizes will be awarded based on sustainable contributions to the field of data to prevent and counter censorship. Additional prizes may be available based on audience consideration. Teams of any size are welcomed though we recommend no more than 10. In-person participation is limited to 35 participants.

Apply for IMC Hackathon 2023

Before the Event

We will provide access to a dedicated Slack channel to help coordinate and share resources. We will also organize a webinar close to the event to discuss the hackathon details. If you need any other information, or if you are struggling with ideas, don’t hesitate to contact the Programme Committee via: imchackathon2023@isoc.org.

Venue and Logistics

Google’s Montréal Office: 425 Av. Viger O, Montréal, QC H2Z 1W5, Canada

Tentative agenda:

Hackathon Social

On Monday, October 23, we will have a social event with dinner for all participants. More information will be provided closer to the hackathon date.

Evaluation Criteria


Requested Skills

Depending on the project you pick, knowledge of different tools might be required:

Hackathon Ideas

Here are some of the ideas we would want to explore during the hackathon. Ideally, each team will work on one specific idea. If you are interested in other topics related to censorship and shutdowns, feel free to bring your ideas, concepts, or prototypes to the event as well! Explore the proposed ideas.

Program & Organizing Committee Members

Censored Planet ISOC Pulse M-Lab OONI


In addition to contributions from the organizers, we want to thank Google’s Open Internet Measurement team for contributing space for the convening, Google Jigsaw for the prizes, and to ISOC for hosting our hackathon reception.

Google Google Jigsaw
