
IMC’22 combines both a physical gathering alongside online participation.

Video Streaming

The IMC’22 main track will be livestreamed via BigBlueButton. We recommend that participants use Chrome. There will be a single BigBlueButton room for the whole conference. Participants can simply join this to view the presentations. The access code will be provided to registrants via email.

Interaction and Q&A:

Remote interaction will be underpinned by the SIGCOMM IMC2022 Slack Workspace. We encourage participants to make extensive use of Slack to engage with each other. Q&A for each presentation will also be managed via Slack. At the end of each paper presentation, the session chair will invite questions. Online participants can input their questions to the #imc22-main Slack channel. This channel can also be used for wider discussion about presentations. Note, the BigBlueButton chat channel will not be monitored for questions: all questions should take place exclusively via Slack.

Note: SIGCOMM’s Slack channels are available via sigcomm.slack.com. If you’re asked to sign in, use the workspace name sigcomm.slack.com to sign up or sign in). To join SIGCOMM’s Slack, go to this page.

Instructions for presenters

Presentations will be projected to the local audience via a laptop provided by the organizers. This laptop screen will be replicated for remote attendance on BigBlueButton.

All authors must provide their presentation in PDF or PowerPoint format (PDF is preferred) no later than Monday October, 24 at 2PM CEST.

The presentation is to be uploaded on Seafile. Presenters can upload presentations as many times as they want before the deadline. The most recent file will be taken for projection. The access code will be provided to registrants via email.

The filename of the presentation must start with the paper id of the presentation and followed by any arbitrary annotation using the format <paper_id>-<annotation>.<extension>, e.g., 42-instructions_to_authors.pdf.

In case of PowerPoint documents, presenter notes can be used during the presentation.

At their own risk, authors can use Google Slides during their presentation time. However, we cannot guarantee good enough Internet connectivity at the Hotel so this option may not work. Authors using Google Slides must still provide either a PPT or PDF version of their slides no later than Monday October, 24 at 2PM CEST.

Because we need 2 HDMI outputs and specific configurations from the presentation machine, personal laptops are not allowed.

Additional instructions for remote presenters

Given the tight schedule and to avoid inevitable glitches, remote presenters will not be allowed to present their slides live. Instead, they will provide a pre-recorded video that we will play locally during the session and broadcast on BigBlueButton. After the projection, authors will interact with the public on BigBlueButton using their camera and microphone plus the IMC conference Slack channels.

Remote presenters will provide a pre-recorded video of their presentation in MPEG format no later than Monday October, 24 at 2PM CEST.

The presentation video is to be uploaded on Seafile. Presenters can upload presentations as many times as they want before the deadline. The most recent file will be taken for projection. The access code will be provided to registrants via email.

The filename of the video must start with the paper id of the presentation and followed by any arbitrary annotation using the format <paper_id>-<annotation>.mpg, e.g., 42-instructions_to_authors.mpg.

In case remote presenters have issues with their microphone, the chairperson will relay questions and answers on the slack channel of the conference.

Remote presenters will have the opportunity to test the BigBlueButton tool on Monday October, 24 from 3PM to 5PM CEST. We only provide support for the Chrome browser.

Help, support, and questions to the crew

For any question, please visit the #imc22-help channel of the Sigcomm Slack.

To join SIGCOMM’s Slack, go to this page.