Call For Papers, ACM IMC 2022

The Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) is a highly selective venue for the presentation of measurement-based research in data communications. The focus of IMC 2022 will be on research that improves the practice of network measurement, illuminates some facet of an operational network, or both. We encourage authors to discuss the implications of their results on future research and/or operations. We also encourage authors to discuss representativeness and limitations of their work due to coverage of their measurements across space and time. Finally, we encourage authors to validate inferences using ground truth.

IMC takes a broad view of contributions that are considered in scope for improving the practice of network measurement, including, but not limited to:

Networks of interest include:

Authors unsure about topical fit are welcome to contact the program committee co-chairs at

Review process and criteria

IMC 2022 invites two forms of submissions:

Any submission exceeding the short paper page-length limit will be evaluated as a full paper.

Authors should submit only original work that has not been published before and is not under submission to any other venue. We will consider full paper submissions that extend previously published short, preliminary papers (including IMC short papers), in accordance with the SIGCOMM policy and the ACM Plagiarism Policy. The ACM policy on simultaneous submissions does not consider technical reports (including arXiv) to be concurrent publication or submission.

IMC 2022 will bestow two awards on paper submissions, (1) a Best Paper award; and (2) a Community Contribution award. The best paper award will recognize the outstanding paper at the conference, and all accepted papers are eligible for it. The community contribution award will recognize a paper with an outstanding contribution to the community in the form of a new dataset, source code distribution, open platform, or other noteworthy service to the community. To be eligible for the community award, the authors must make data or source code publicly available or have a software artifact that is accessible and usable by the public at the time of the camera-ready deadline. The authors indicate their eligibility on the submission form and are also encouraged to include a link to the contribution in the submitted paper.

There will be an opt-in shadow TPC for IMC 2022, to provide additional researchers (primarily junior ones) an opportunity to gain experience with reviewing and discussing paper submissions. The shadow TPC members will be bound to the same strict confidentiality rules that apply to the IMC 2022 TPC. Authors may opt into this shadow PC by checking a box on the submission form. Doing so will not adversely affect your submission in any way. Reviews from the shadow PC will be returned to authors, providing the incentive of additional feedback from the community.

As an experiment this year, the shadow PC will rank the top three papers in their set of submissions. A (non-shadow) TPC member will convey shadow TPC feedback about those top two papers at the IMC TPC meeting. The shadow PC will also select a best paper from the set of papers accepted by the (non-shadow) IMC TPC.

A few accepted papers may be forwarded for fast-track submission to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.

Early Rejection

The review process will have several reviewing rounds. To allow authors time to improve their work and submit to other venues, authors of submissions for which there is a consensus on rejection will be notified early.

Anonymity Guidelines

Authors are expected to make a good-faith effort to anonymize papers. As an author, you should not identify yourself in the paper either explicitly or by implication (e.g., through the references).

Anonymization of important details are not required, if they are critical for the evaluation of the paper. For example, system names may be left de-anonymized, if the system name is important for a reviewer to be able to evaluate the work, and the paper may point to existing public datasets and artifacts that highlight or underscore the contributions outlined in the paper.

Please follow the following guidelines:

Authors are explicitly allowed to post their submissions on Arxiv or other public websites, and reviewers will be discouraged from searching for such listings while a submission is under review. However, authors are strongly discouraged from engaging in publicity for their papers while they are under review, unless doing so is in the public interest (e.g., responsible disclosure). Authors who are unsure of whether they are allowed to publicize their double-blind submissions should contact the program committee co-chairs at

Additional details on paper anonymity are available here and in the statement released by the IMC Steering Committee here.


The program committee may raise concerns around the ethics of the work, even if it does not involve human subjects. All papers must include, in a clearly marked appendix section with the heading “Ethics”, a statement about ethical issues; papers that do not include such a statement may be rejected. This could be, if appropriate for the paper, simply the sentence “This work does not raise any ethical issues.”. If the work involves human subjects or potentially sensitive data (e.g., user traffic or social network information, evaluation of censorship, etc.), the paper should clearly discuss these issues, perhaps in a separate subsection.

Research that entails experiments involving human subjects or user data (e.g., network traffic, passwords, social network information) should adhere to community norms. Any work that raises potential ethics considerations should indicate this on the submission form. The basic principles of ethical research are outlined in the Belmont Report: (1) respect for persons (which may involve obtaining consent); (2) beneficence (a careful consideration of risks and benefits); and (3) justice (ensuring that parts of the population that bear the risks of the research also are poised to obtain some benefit from it). Authors should further consult the ACM policy on research involving human subjects for further information on ethical principles that apply to this conference.

Research involving human subjects must be approved by the researchers’ respective Institutional Review Boards before the research takes place. Authors should indicate on the submission form whether the work involves human subjects. If so, the authors must indicate whether an IRB protocol has been approved for the research, or if the research has been determined exempt (either self-determination or IRB determination). We expect that any research follows the practices and procedures of the institution(s) where the work is being carried out; for example, some universities require separate approval for the use of campus data. We expect researchers to abide by these protocols.

We recognize that different IRBs follow different procedures for determining the status of human subject research, and approval or exempt status from a single institution may not align with community norms. To help the Ethics Committee review cases of concern, there is a need for more information about the research protocol. To this end, if the work involves human subjects, the authors must include with their submission a copy of the form that was used to determine IRB status (approved or exempt), sufficiently anonymized to preserve double-blind review.

If the submission describes research involving human subjects and none of the authors are at an institution with an IRB (or equivalent), the authors are nonetheless expected to follow a research protocol that adheres to ethical principles, as stated in the ACM policy on research involving human subjects. In such cases, the authors must use the Ethics section of their appendix to explain how their research protocol satisfies the principles of ethical research.

Some research does not involve human subjects yet nonetheless raises questions of ethics, which may be wide-ranging and not necessarily limited to direct effects. We encourage authors to be mindful of the ethics of the research that they undertake; these considerations are often not clear-cut, but often warrant thoughtful consideration. Discussions of these issues should be placed in the “Ethics” appendix section mentioned above, or in the main body of the paper where appropriate.

Additionally, the program committee reserves the right to conduct additional evaluations and reviews of research ethics and reserves the right to independent judgment concerning the ethics of the conducted research.

Contact the program committee co-chairs at if you have any questions.

Submission guidelines

Below is a summary of key submission guidelines, but it is not exhaustive. For a complete list of requirements, visit the detailed submission instructions page. Authors are expected to comply with all the requirements listed on that page.

All submissions must satisfy the following requirements:

Note that, apart from the mandatory Ethics appendix, reviewers have no obligation to read anything in the appendices. Please use this space judiciously, and as a rule of thumb, keep it to no longer than three pages.

Formatting should be as follows:

Submissions that do not comply with these requirements will be rejected without review. The ACM template style file satisfies the formatting requirements, provided you compile your source with options that produce letter page size and 10-point fonts. The following settings in your LaTeX source should achieve that (but please verify the output):


As an example, we also provide a sample template for ACM conference proceedings, which you can make use of.

Important Dates

Paper registration (with abstract) Wednesday May 11, 2022 at 11:59PM AoE (UTC-12)
Paper submission Wednesday May 18, 2022 at 11:59PM AoE (UTC-12)
Early reject notification Approximately July 11, 2022
Notification Friday August 19, 2022
Camera-ready due Monday September 19, 2022
Conference October 25 - 27, 2022

Submission Site

Please submit your paper at