ESA title


    Tourism supports job creation, income generation, regional development and supporting local communities.


    Tourism is a key economic driver in many communities but poses environmental challenges. While many communities dependent on tourism struggled during the COVID-19 pandemic, it resulted in a re-evaluation of common practices, boosting the investment in creative alternatives to traditional tourism.

    Smart Tourism through Digitisation

    The rise of Smart Tourism is one response in accordance with these needs. Smart Tourism includes destinations that enhance access to tourism and hospitality via ICT-based tools including products, spaces, experiences, or other services.

    Digitisation is one method of enhancing the tourist experience through ICT-services. This includes examples such as virtual tours, real-time local recommendation, real-time route or transit mapping, or experiencing cultural or historical sites through augmented reality on a smart phone. These tools increase tourist engagement and can assist in managing crowds and foot-traffic impacts.

    Satellite Services are Needed for Smart Tourism

    Many of these digital ICT tools require high resolution images, high accuracy location services, etc. for the development of these 3D views, augmented realities, or virtual tours. All of these are heavily reliant on the current and future generations of satellite technologies including Satnav for navigation, Satcom for telecommunications, and SatEO for high-resolution imagery.

    Using Space-based Services to Support Sustainable Travel

    The break in tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic also highlighted the scope and magnitude of tourism on the environment. Not only do tourist contribute further to pollution and resource depletion, but high traffic areas can see further regression in local biodiversity and cultural sites. This further emphasise the need for sustainable practices and regulations in tourisms and the space technology to support these endeavours.

    Location-based services (smart guides) are in high demand for remote areas that attract tourists and community-based travel projects and outdoor adventure activities. It provides details on landscape, history, culture, and location services such as emergency alerts and live tracking. Updated and reliable maps, weather reports, ski conditions, and avalanche warnings are all part of these real-time services.