ESA title


    The upstream satellite ecosystem is changing as the industry gravitates toward small satellites, low earth orbit, and very high throughput satellites.


    While the space economy heavily relies on satellites and their accessories, the upstream satellite industry specifically focuses on manufacturing, launching, and maintaining these satellites in space. As downstream industry demands evolve, so will the maintenance requirements for these satellites.

    Increase in Low Earth Orbit Constellations

    From 2016 to 2020, almost half of the satellite launchers were dominated by the satellite communications (Satcom) industry. A large portion of these deployments have shifted to low earth orbit (LEO) thanks to increase commercial demands for broadband constellations. This in turn has increased demand for small satellite designs for use broadband applications and the Internet of Things (IoT).

    These changes in the Satcom industry come from the shift to data-centric use cases, resulting in structural changes in manufacturing, launch services, and ground segments.

    Innovation through Manufacturing

    In manufacturing, the industry has innovated through High Throughput Satellites (HTS), Very High Throughput Satellites (VHTS), software-defined payloads, smallsats, and Low Earth Orbit (LEO) constellations. These developments support mass production and demand but require new ground segment infrastructure to develop in tandem.

    In response, there is a rise in flat panel antenna manufacturers and ESA investments in electronically steerable antenna solutions in the ground segment. These advancements are essential for backing the upcoming Non-Geostationary Satellite Orbit (NGSO) constellations, mainly fuelled by broadband applications.

    The satcom industry’s shifts showcase its ability to adapt to new market realities and technological possibilities, paving the way for ongoing innovation and efficiency in global communications.

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