ESA title


    Space-based technologies are improving maritime activities and aiding in sustainable management of aquatic environments


    Maritime industries encompass a wide range of human activities related to the Earth’s oceans and seas.

    Mobility in the maritime sector involves the transportation of people and goods across the sea, navigational aids, maritime surveillance, and emergency response services. Near land, this includes operations such as shipbuilding and port management, aquaculture and fisheries, and offshore energy projects such as wind farms.

    Space-based System Integrations Will Continue to Increase

    Maritime services increasingly depend on integrating space-based systems. These systems play a crucial role in enhancing the operations of a wide range of user communities, such as shipping companies, fisheries, coast guards, port authorities, navies, and various national and international institutions.

    ESA is engaged in multiple programs that involve end-user organizations at both national and international levels. The goal is to improve and strengthen their current abilities by using advanced satellite communications, navigation, and Earth observation systems and services.

    Space to Support Maritime Transitions

    Understanding the interactions between land, ocean, and human activities is crucial. ESA is particularly interested in supporting research and operations that enhance the efficiency of both onshore and offshore activities in these sectors, especially those regarding sustainability, decarbonisation and emission reduction.

    Further integration of space-based technologies will bring about a transformation in maritime activities, leading to improved capabilities for a diverse set of maritime stakeholders.


    LATEST "Maritime and Aquatic" HIGHLIGHTS