Marvel Star Lashana Lynch Addresses Her MCU X-Men Future

Lashana Lynch talks about her surprise return as Binary in The Marvels

The Marvels star Lashana Lynch addressed her X-Men future in the MCU. ScreenRant caught up with the Bob Marley: One Love actress to talk about her surprised appearance in the Captain Marvel sequel. A lot of fans were shocked to see Lynch appear as an alternate version of Maria Rambeau in The Marvels' post-credits scene. Even more shocking was the fact she was X-Men's Binary in that universe. Lynch said that she was aware she was going to play Rambeau again before the movie got going. However, she's not at liberty to discuss what comes next for the mutants. It seems like Marvel Studios is gearing up for some wild times for the X-Men in the months ahead!

"I did know going into the movie. I didn't know what would happen next," Lynch admitted. "I don't know anything, literally. Every single increment of the character has been play-by-play, so I knew about Captain Marvel, then I knew about Doctor Strange, and then I knew about The Marvels. I didn't even get the script for that, I just had those moments. I know what you know, and that's it."

The X-Men Return To The MCU In The Marvels

(Photo: Marvel Entertainment)

With Deadpool 3 on the way, it's a good time to be an X-Men fan. However, there was another high-profile mutant return in The Marvels. Kelsey Grammer also came back to be Beast in that post-credits scene. The actor talked to The Wrap about the MCU  introduction to the character. He's also very intrigued by what the future could hold for Hank McCoy. Marvel Studios weren't shy with the teases because Beast mentions Charles Xavier by name when analyzing Monica Rambeau's condition at the end of the movie.

"It is my hope that you will [see him again]. I can say with a certain amount of confidence that you will. I would love to," Grammer revealed to the outlet. "I've always wanted to play him again. I see him as an extraordinary character, a real character of gravitas and importance in our culture. I'm delighted Beast is back and hope he's back in a real way."

Bringing Maria Rambeau Back In The MCU

Lashana Lynch Captain Marvel Doctor Strange

As Lynch pointed out in her earlier interview, this isn't the first time she's popped up in the MCU since Captan Marvel. She had a small appearance in WandaVision and really shook the table in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Empire Magazine had the chance to speak with the Maria Rambeau actor about getting to play a variant of Captain Marvel in another Marvel movie. The process was pretty surreal.

"It was a wild one. Kevin Feige had messaged me, letting me know about Maria's demise. [Characters] spoke of it in WandaVision, which I'm glad that they did because at least that's good context," Lynch mused. "One of the producers of Captain Marvel called me and said they had this idea to bring all these new versions of characters back together and they wanted to bring Maria back. I was like, 'Great, okay, she's gonna be an ancestor.' 'No, she's gonna be Captain Marvel.' It blew my mind."

"Hayley [Atwell], Benedict [Cumberbatch], Chiwetel [Ejiofor], a group of us were on Zoom just staring at each other going, 'What is happening?!'. I embraced Maria as a 'super-mum', having a chance to flex in this very new but already existent way," she continued. "It felt like it was meant to be for her. Listen, I've already mentioned to Kevin about ancestors. I was like, 'You know in Black Panther when the dad is a panther in the tree? Maybe Maria could be by a tree somewhere!'"

Do you think Binary will be here the next time we see the X-Men? Let us know down in the comments!