Echo Composer Explains Why He Didn't Watch Daredevil or Hawkeye

Dave Porter says he didn't watch Daredevil or Hawkeye "on purpose."

Echo is now available to stream on Disney+ and Hulu, and the new series has some big ties to both Marvel Studios' Hawkeye and Netflix's Daredevil. Hawkeye concluded with Maya Lopez/Echo (Alaqua Cox) shooting her "uncle" Wilson Fisk/Kingpin (Vincent D'Onofrio), and the new series began with her on the run. The first episode of Echo also featured an epic showdown between Maya and Daredevil (Charlie Cox). recently had the chance to chat with Echo composer, Dave Porter, who admitted he wasn't much of a Marvel guy before signing on to do the music. During the interview, Porter explained why he didn't go back and watch Daredevil or Hawkeye

"I didn't actually," Porter shared when we asked if he'd watched the other Marvel shows. "And on purpose, I think that they were looking for a fresh... I think they hired me, I think in part for a fresh look at this stuff and to be the new guy in the room. And I was very happy to learn about stuff when it was important that I know things that they were sure to tell me, but I don't think I needed to. So actually, the only thing I watched was Echo's introduction." 

"But no, I didn't spend a lot of time going back into the resource," he added. "And I think that the goal here was really to have Echo stand on her own. And I know she's not a big character. She's not a character that a lot of particularly Marvel folks know a lot about, so it was a chance to start fresh."

You can watch our interview with Porter at the top of the page.

What's Next For Maya Lopez?

According to a recent report from The Hollywood ReporterMarvel wants to do more with Maya and is currently "developing new ideas as it seeks to build out its street-level heroes." It's unclear when we will be seeing Maya again, but Alaqua Cox has ideas for her character's future. She previously said she would like to share the screen with Spider-Man, and she recently told Deadline that she wants to join the Avengers. 

"I hope that she doesn't go back to New York City," Cox explained. "I really hope not, personally, because it's just a horrible place for her to be [with] all those traumatic memories she has growing up, now that she's able to reconnect and open up more with her blood-related family, and she realized that they never left her side. She was gone for so many years. She ignored so many texts and phone calls and letters but the second she got back to Oklahoma, they wanted her right back. They were not resistant at all. It makes her realize 'Wow, my family has always been there for me.' I want Maya to reconnect with her family and get rid of New York and what happened in in New York and Kingpin, but we'll see what happens." 

Cox added, "Honestly, I wouldn't mind if Maya joined the Avengers. I think it would be so amazing to cross paths with other superheroes. I would love that. I think would be very fun. I think be great to work with Mark Ruffalo, the Hulk. I love him as an actor and a person, because Mark is a huge advocate for Indigenous women. And he's from Wisconsin, and I'm from Wisconsin. So we have that in common. But Mark is just an amazing advocate for women, and I think it'd be amazing to work with him. I think that we would have a lot of things to talk about. I can just imagine those conversations already."

Echo is now streaming on Disney+ and Hulu and will leave Hulu on April 9th.