Could Hideo Kojima Be Collaborating With Robert Pattinson?

Speculation is rife that Kojima could be teasing something tied to Pattinson.

Some fans of renowned video game director Hideo Kojima believe that the creator could be looking to soon work with actor Robert Pattinson. Throughout his career, Kojima has been no stranger to working with actors and actresses that are most well-known for their roles in TV and film. In his next project, Death Stranding 2: On the Beach, Kojima has once again accumulated talent that includes Elle Fanning, Norman Reedus, and Lea Seydoux, to name a few. And while Pattinson himself might be hard to get into a game given how in demand he is, there's a growing belief that Kojima could be trying to collaborate with the star of The Batman

These theories tied to Kojima and Pattinson specifically began at the end of this past month when the two happened to meet one another. Kojima posted a picture of himself with the actor on X (formerly Twitter) but didn't say much about their meeting and what it entailed. Naturally, the picture began to go viral and led to numerous fans calling for Pattinson to work with Kojima on one of his forthcoming titles. 

For the most part, this is where this speculation of a collaboration between Kojima and Pattinson started and ended. However, within the past day, Kojima added just a bit more fuel to the fire. In one of his customary "Good Morning" posts on X, Kojima showed that he was starting the day by listening to the Twilight soundtrack.

 On one hand, many Kojima fans simply responded to this post by crediting the director's taste in music. Others, though, thought it could be an instance where Kojima was teasing something between himself and Pattinson. After all, the song that Kojima showed he was listening to was the lone track from the film that Pattinson sang. This post too went viral and again reignited a belief that something could be happening between the two based on Kojima's recent activity.

What Video Game of Kojima's Could Pattinson Appear In?

So let's say that Robert Pattinson did find his way into a Hideo Kojima game – what game would it even be? Well, Death Stranding 2: On the Beach is the most likely candidate for a couple of reasons. To start, this happens to be Kojima's next major release which means that if he's met with Pattinson recently, it could be for that game. In fact, the original Death Stranding featured a ton of cameos from different actors, directors, and other personalities. If the same thing is done with Death Stranding 2, Pattinson could be thrown in with relative ease, especially since it would be in such a small capacity. 

The other options on the table would then be OD, Kojima's upcoming exclusive for Xbox, and Physint, which is being pitched as a spiritual successor to the Metal Gear Solid series. Both of these projects still seem incredibly far away, with Physint, in particular, being something that likely won't launch until the PlayStation 6 generation. As a result, there seems to be plenty of time left for Pattinson to work a project for Kojima into his schedule if he so desired. 

At the end of the day, though, there's a good chance that this connection between Kojima and Pattinson is a whole lot of nothing. Kojima has rubbed shoulders with plenty of Hollywood A-listers in the past and most of those meetings have never led to future collabs coming about. Still, Pattinson himself has appeared in some pretty strange projects over the years (Tenet, The Lighthouse) so perhaps there's a chance that he could be drawn to Kojima's aura of oddity.