Privacy & Data

people walking

Individuals and communities worldwide are demanding greater control of their personal data, especially as they learn more about the potential and real uses and misuses by an array of corporate actors. With the European Union taking proactive action on the privacy rights of citizens, the U.S. is witnessing states work towards solutions in the absence of federal law.

CDT has been leading the way on issues around privacy, data, and society for 25 years, and is driving the global conversations on what policies and principles are needed around the next generation of data-driven technologies. We call for reasonable limits on the use of sensitive data and believe individuals must have greater rights to control their data.

From the impact of artificial intelligence to the privacy rights of students, CDT is answering the more pressing privacy questions of today while shaping innovative, rights-centered policies for the future.

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Illustration of a sphere comprised of white lines and red dots that represents a connected set of data, with spotlights showing different aspects of disability data. There are five spotlights, including a person in a motorized wheelchair using a computer, an ear representing individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, six dots representing Braille, a person with a limb difference using a pair of crutches, and a brain. In white text on a dark blue background, the title of the report says “To Reduce Disability Bias in Technology, Start with Disability Data.”

Report – To Reduce Disability Bias in Technology, Start With Disability Data

Graphic for CDT's podcast, entitled "CDT's Tech Talks." Hosted by Jamal Magby, and available on iTunes, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, and TuneIn. Dark grey text and app logos, as well as light blue text, on a white background.

Tech Talk: Talking Tech with Josh Kroll On The NIST Privacy Framework

Report, entitled "Regulating Robo-Bosses: Surveying the Civil Rights Policy Landscape for Automated Employment Decision Systems." Dark green background and white text.

Report – Regulating Robo-Bosses: Surveying the Civil Rights Policy Landscape for Automated Employment Decision Systems

White document on black background.

FISA 702 Expansion: Impact on the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework

White document on black background.

CDT Files Comments to White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Regarding the Federal Evidence Agenda on Disability Equity

The CDT logo. A light and dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

Update from Our CEO: CDT Leads Breakthrough Work on Gender Justice

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