2023-2024 Edition

Academic Catalog

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Search Results for "QAC311"

QAC311 Longitudinal Data Analysis

Work across different fields, from medicine and public health to social sciences and education, often involves the collection and analysis of longitudinal data--combination of cross-sectional and time series (repeated measures for the unit of observation) data. This rich data structure provides opportunities to explore questions that could not be addressed with simpler data sets, but at the same time requires special considerations because we are analyzing observations that are not independent. The course introduces students to appropriate graphical exploration of the data and the specification and estimation of fixed and random-effects models. It also develops the basic framework for difference-in-differences models and explores their applications.
Offering: Host
Grading: A-F
Credits: 0.50
Prereq: [QAC201 or GOVT201 or PSYC280 or NS&B280] OR QAC380 OR ECON300 OR [GOVT367 or QAC302] OR PSYC200