Meeting the Costs of a Health Professions Program

Financial assistance is built in to most state-supported health professions graduate schools, which may cost half–and sometimes even a quarter–of what many private schools cost.

Most health professions graduate students pay for their education through loans, usually secured through federal and/or state agencies.  Because of this, it is very important to have a good credit rating at the time of application.  Some general information about state loan forgiveness programs, National Health Service Corps (for persons intending to go into primary care and work in underserved communities), and military scholarships may be found on the AAMC website.

The best source of detailed information about financial assistance will be the school that you plan to attend.  Although some schools may provide specific information about financial aid at the time of interview, requests for financial assistance are usually not considered until after acceptance.  Comparable information about financing dental, vet, physician assistant, and nurse practitioner graduate education is available through the web sites of professional schools’ associations, such as:

You will also find useful information on the individual schools’ web sites.

It is important to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, FAFSA (required by almost all health professions graduate schools), as soon as possible after the end of the tax year.  Although the parents of applicants are often expected to complete and file a FAFSA as well as the applicant, health professions graduate schools will not necessarily expect a parental contribution.

If you or anyone you know is caring for a loved one while completing an undergraduate or graduate education, you may be eligible for a Scholarship for Students Who are Caregivers.

Another scholarship opportunity available to applicants from underrepresented minority or disadvantaged backgrounds is the Hope Fellowship Scholarship—Bridging Admissions.