Handshake How-To Resources

Handshake is Wesleyan’s online career management platform and job board for undergraduates, graduates, and alumni. It provides campus employers with the tools to advertise campus job opportunities, identify and communicate with potential candidates, and collect and review application materials. All Wesleyan students have a Handshake account and job postings are accessible to all students.

All on-campus student positions must be posted on Handshake. Postings are reviewed by the Gordon Career Center before they are made public for student view. We make every effort to review and approve new postings within 3-5 business days. If you need to expedite the approval process, email campusemployment@wesleyan.edu.

Use the REQUIRED Campus Job Posting Template to ensure a speedier approval and publishing process for you.

Post and Manage Jobs on Handshake

As an alternative to logging into Handshake, complete this form with the job description and position details and the Campus Employment team at the Gordon Career Center will post the job on Handshake on your behalf.

If you prefer to post your job directly on Handshake, here is how you get started: create a Handshake Employer account with your wesleyan.edu email address and follow the prompts to join the employer, Wesleyan University Campus Employment. Once your account is verified you will be able to create and post opportunities.

Google Chrome is the recommended browser for navigating Handshake.