
  • Visually Impaired Game Review – Super Mario Odyssey

    Super Mario Odyssey is a near-flawless revisit to classic 3D Mario. Its bright colors and innocent, but innovative, gameplay make it a very enticing game. But is it worth it if you’re visually impaired? I’ve thought up nine categories to help you decide if this is something you’re ready to invite into your life. About […]

    Christy Smith7 minute read
  • Deaf Game Review – Super Mario Odyssey

    Ok, first things first, the above image, Mario in the sand with his hands out like he’s an airplane? This is how you run in Super Mario Odyssey. That alone makes it the best game to come out this year. (Don’t mind those things in Mario’s nose, we had a run-in with a cactus.) What […]

    Can I Play That?4 minute read

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