Oxenfree is a supernatural adventure game. Rites of passage and Senior year traditions set the stage for a group of friends sneaking off to Edwards Island, an old military outpost with no phone service. Players will take on the role of Alex as she brings her new stepbrother Jonas to an overnight party gone horribly wrong. Inspired by classic cult films like Stand by Me and Poltergeist, Oxenfree is an adventure that pulls from the past but looks to the present. “It’s a coming of age story where players control how their hero comes of age,” says Sean Krankel, co-founder of Night School. “We’re drawing on the fond and mortifying aspects of being in your late teens, and setting it against a dangerous and ghostly backdrop.”


  • Indie Spotlight – Oxenfree

    Every year 5 teenagers go to an abandoned island looking for a spooky adventure and harmless fun. This year things don’t turn out as planned as they soon find out that ghosts may be real after all. Trapped and alone their only way back home maybe through a hand-held radio. The setup may seem cliché, […]

    Mike Matlock1 minute read

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