Welcome to Hope County, Montana, land of the free and the brave, but also home to a fanatical doomsday cult known as The Project at Eden’s Gate that is threatening the community's freedom. Stand up to the cult’s leader, Joseph Seed and the Heralds, and spark the fires of resistance that will liberate the besieged community.


  • Deaf Game Review – Far Cry 5

    Far Cry 5 could be a perfect game. It’s got everything needed to get us hooked and interested in exploring the world. Animal companions which you can pet, things that explode, an enemy that isn’t some bad representation of everyone’s favorite go-to enemy, the brown skinned extremist, and a truly stunning world to explore and […]

    Can I Play That?3 minute read
  • Far Cry 5 accessibility review

    I have often said that in a vacuum, open world games such as Ubisoft’s latest entry in the Far Cry series are more accessible than their more linear cousins. Far Cry 5 has the bones to fulfill this prophecy, but its natural accessibility is hampered by a few unfortunate choices by the development team. For […]

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