GAconf Europe returns to London on April 22nd and 23rd 2024

Marijn / ActiveB1t2 minute read

This year, the European edition of GAconf takes place on April 22nd and 23rd. GAconf Europe is once again a hybrid event, held online and in-person in London over two days. This year, the in-person gathering takes place at the Pullman St Pancras Hotel, while the online component takes place over Zoom and Discord as usual.

About the Game Accessibility conference

For those who don’t know, GAconf is the game development conference dedicated to making games more accessible to gamers with disabilities. The conferences take place twice a year, once in Europe and the United States. They feature talks and networking opportunities for all disciplines of the games industry and cover a wide range of topics. Talks and panels usually include case studies from developers, research from academia, and experiences from disabled players.

“So happy to have first hand accounts from players about their gaming experiences”

Nikki Crenshaw, Senior UX researcher, Blizzard

Speakers range from indie to AAA developers, and independent consultants and advocates. We can alreade share the first wave of speakers for GAconf Europe. They include Anna Waismeyer of Xbox, Leoni Watson & Henny Swan of Tetralogical, Carolina Cruz of EA, Alex Kanaris-Sotiriou of Polygon Treehouse, and Carme Mangiron & María Eugenia Larreina-Morales of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Independent specialists & advocates include Melanie Eilert and of course Ian Hamilton. Keep an eye out for more speakers and topics on the GAconf website and the GAconf X / Twitter account.

Registration is open

Registration for GAconf Europe is now open. The in-person gathering at the Pullman St Pancras Hotel in London is a paid event, with tickets costing $200 (USD). Meanwhile the online gathering is free to attend. IGDA’s game accessibility special interest group (GASIG) co-hosts GAconf, and talks will be available on YouTube after the conference on their YouTube channel. The IGDA GASIG YouTube channel also hosts videos from the previous GAconf editions and the GAconf awards.

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CIPT's resident one-person IT crew responsible for the looks, functionality, and accessibility of the site. Inclusion and accessibility troublemaker and creator of the Alt Or Not browser plugin for Twitter. Child of the 80's without an intention of growing up.

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