Access Controller for PS5 support hub and video guides released

Marijn / ActiveB1t2 minute read

Yesterday’s article on the PlayStation Blog announced new video guides and a support hub for the upcoming Access Controller for PS5. There is also a video highlighting how the accessibility consultants themselves use this new adaptive controller.

Unboxing and setup 

The unboxing and setup video takes us through the unpacking and setup process of the Access Controller. It does so through a combination of animations and settings screens accompanied by clear narration. This is a different style from the recent video guides for the Xbox Adaptive Controller, but also works well to explain the different steps.

Watch Access Controller Unboxing & Setup on YouTube
The unboxing and setup guide for the Access Controller for PS5

The video also gives us a good look at the first setup process of the Access Controller. By the looks of the PlayStation 5 clearly guides players through the different steps. Good to note here is that the setup of the Access Controller can be done with only that controller, as it comes with several buttons pre-installed and mapped. The initial setup of a (new) PS5 does need a DualSense controller, the guide does well to explain this early on.

Support hub

The Access Controller support hub includes several categories such as part names and functions, connect, personalize, profiles, and troubleshoot. Each of these includes several segments which should make it easy to find the information you need. Where available it also includes a video, sometimes these referring to a chapter of the longer setup video.

While the hub contains a lot of information already, it also links to more in depth pages focusing on customizing or mounting the Access controller. There is also a dedicated page with technical information and 3D printing specifications for the Access Controller.

Consultant showcase

The PlayStation Blog article announcing the support hub and guides for the Access Controller also includes a video featuring accessibility consultants. These consultants helped during development of the controller. The video shares share how they incorporated the Access Controller in their setups and how it enables them to play. This provides a nice insight in how the Access controller works in different situations.

Getting this information out early is helpful for players eagerly awaiting their controller. It allows them to appropriately prepare and consider how they want to set up the controller. Luckily they don’t have to wait much longer as the Access Controller for PS5 is released on December 6, in just a few weeks.

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