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Beyond the Brownies: Shabbat at Camp

Beyond the Brownies: Shabbat at Camp

by Shosh Dollinger, Education Director '24 HUC-JIR Rabbinic-Education Student We all know how special Friday night is at Camp Newman. From Tfillah to Shira to Shabbat brownies, Friday night brings campers Jewish joy they will never forget. But Shabbat isn't just about...

Inclusion: We have you in mind

Inclusion: We have you in mind

People don’t want to go where they are merely tolerated or an after-thought in planning; they want to go where they are included, where their needs are valued as an essential component of the experience. This is what it means to C.A.R.E. for each and every person b’tzelem elohim, in the image of God. This is what Nefesh stands for at Camp Newman: 365 days a year.

Gam Zeh Ya’avor: Weathering the weather

Gam Zeh Ya’avor: Weathering the weather

How do you know when someone loves camp? Oh, don’t worry, they’ll tell you within the first five minutes of meeting you by singing their favorite camp song while you slowly back out of the room…

Hevrah leads the way

Hevrah leads the way

Camp magic can be found anywhere and everywhere at camp, but it is in Hevrah where I truly see it flourish and see the impact that camp and our campers have on each other.

Geshmak to be a Yid

Geshmak to be a Yid

A Letter from Tzion Kaukira, Staff Member '23    I am writing to express my sincere gratitude towards Camp for giving me the opportunity to be part of the Camp Newman wonderful community. It’s really been a pleasure being there this summer. Being the first...

A Very Camp-y B’not Mitzvah

A Very Camp-y B’not Mitzvah

I felt encouraged to express and explore my Jewish identity and connection to Torah, and I felt like everyone who watched understood how much it meant to me. I’m so glad camp gave me a great experience that I’ll always remember.

Letters from Camp: Rabbi Shawna

Letters from Camp: Rabbi Shawna

My favorite thing about camp is that you can see the Jewish future around you. Camp is filled with kids whose families have chosen to make Jewish camp a priority; many of them are second-generation campers, continuing in their family tradition of spending part of the summer at Jewish camp.

Israel Comes to Life

Israel Comes to Life

Am Yisrael, am Yisrael, am Yisrael chai! Our shlichim (Israeli staff) this summer truly bring life, passion, joy and excitement into every aspect of camp! Our shlichim contribute to camp life in a variety of different ways – some are general counselors, some are...

Racial Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Update

Racial Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Update

At Camp Newman, we believe every human is created b’tzelem Elohim, in the image of God.  With that, we are excited to expand our recognition and celebration of the many forms of diversity within the Jewish community and our camp community. Just as we celebrate our...

The Space is Just Details

The Space is Just Details

I could see how much more loving Camp is now. Alumni Shabbat coincided with Pride Shabbat, and never had I heard campers, staff, and leadership so committed to inclusion. It was heartwarming to discover that this strange land was simply the more developed and more thoughtful version of the place I knew for years.