Beyond the Brownies: Shabbat at Camp

Beyond the Brownies: Shabbat at Camp

by Shosh Dollinger, Education Director ’24 HUC-JIR Rabbinic-Education Student We all know how special Friday night is at Camp Newman. From Tfillah to Shira to Shabbat brownies, Friday night brings campers Jewish joy they will never forget. But Shabbat...
Inclusion: We have you in mind

Inclusion: We have you in mind

By Rachel Dubowe, Nefesh Director & Camp Newman Senior Assistant Director   At Camp Newman, inclusion isn’t a program, it’s a mindset.    As the Nefesh (Camper Care) Director, I’m so proud of how far we’ve come and the great strides we continue to take...
Hevrah leads the way

Hevrah leads the way

by Renata Feinstein, Hevrah Rosh Eidah ’22 & ’23 and Shira F., Hevrah Camper ’23 This summer I had the privilege of being the Rosh Eidah, or Unit Head, for Hevrah, our month-long session focused on social justice for campers entering 10th and...
Geshmak to be a Yid

Geshmak to be a Yid

A Letter from Tzion Kaukira, Staff Member ’23    I am writing to express my sincere gratitude towards Camp for giving me the opportunity to be part of the Camp Newman wonderful community. It’s really been a pleasure being there this summer. Being the first...
A Very Camp-y B’not Mitzvah

A Very Camp-y B’not Mitzvah

by Margeaux Dressner-Wolberg, Rosh Chinuch & Rosh Tzofim ’23   At Newman, all ages have the opportunity to deepen their connections to Judaism and express themselves in new ways! On a very special Saturday this summer, 10 of our female+ shlichot...