Closed Bug 28354 Opened 25 years ago Closed 3 months ago

Implement hidden pref to enable transparent browsers ala Aterm or Eterm


(Firefox :: Tabbed Browser, enhancement, P5)




128 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox128 --- fixed


(Reporter: sarnold, Assigned: tamas.beno12)



(Keywords: helpwanted)


(1 file)

Good Morning. :)

I would certainly love a setting that would ask mozilla to be semi-transparent,
in much the same manner as Aterm or Eterm. Those two programs share the ability
to shade the background by X percent before drawing atop it; some features
provided by one but not the other, but Would Be Nice To Have, include: xor, or,
and, nand, invert, andInverted etc. modes for drawing, tinting, and other fun

Please? :)
Confirmed enhancement request. It even got some talk in #mozillazine as being a 
neat idea.
Ever confirmed: true (Asa Dotzler) taking ownership of Browser General bugs. 
 New QA Contact is (Joseph Elwell).  Sorry for the spam.
Assignee: cbegle → asadotzler
QA Contact: asadotzler → jelwell
adding helpwanted keyword and reassigning to
Assignee: asadotzler → nobody
Keywords: helpwanted
Sorry for the spam.  New QA Contact for Browser General.  Thanks for your help
Joseph (good luck with the new job) and welcome aboard Doron Rosenberg
QA Contact: jelwell → doronr
Summary: [rfe] transparent ala Aterm or Eterm → transparent ala Aterm or Eterm
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Moving to core->XP Toolkit/Widgets...
Assignee: nobody → jag
Component: General → XP Toolkit/Widgets
Product: Mozilla Application Suite → Core
QA Contact: doronr → jrgmorrison
Assignee: jag → nobody
QA Contact: jrgmorrison → xptoolkit.widgets
Blocks: 399856
Severity: normal → S3

As described in the original feature request, the background behind the rendered webpage may now be made transparent with these changes by customizing a few other settings as well.

The new option defaults back to the previous behaviour of enforcing opacity to fully opaque on all colors and as such should not cause problems for anyone who does not explicitly set "browser.display.allow_transparent_background" to "true" in about:config.

For transparency to actually work browser.display.background_color or browser.display.background_color.dark (depending on the active theme) must also be made transparent in about:config. Similarly, a userChrome.css is necessary to make the tab's background transparent ( :root { --tabpanel-background-color: #00000063 !important; } ). With these changes the browser can be made transparent on pages that are also fully transparent.
Pages may not be transparent by default, but extensions (such as Dark Reader) may be used to enforce transparent background colors on all pages.
As such this patch implements all necessary changes to to allow users to make firefox transparent without having to patch and recompile it.

Assignee: nobody → tamas.beno12
Attachment #9379430 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 28354 - Added option "browser.display.allow_transparent_background" to "about:config" to stop forcing opaque backgrounds. → Bug 28354 - Added option "browser.display.allow_transparent_background" to "about:config" to stop forcing opaque backgrounds. r=emilio
Depends on: 1891414
Attachment #9379430 - Attachment description: Bug 28354 - Added option "browser.display.allow_transparent_background" to "about:config" to stop forcing opaque backgrounds. r=emilio → Bug 28354 - Added option "browser.tabs.allow_transparent_browser" to "about:config" to stop forcing opaque backgrounds. r=dao
Pushed by
Added option "browser.tabs.allow_transparent_browser" to "about:config" to stop forcing opaque backgrounds. r=tabbrowser-reviewers,dao
Component: XUL → Tabbed Browser
Product: Core → Firefox
Summary: transparent ala Aterm or Eterm → Implement hidden pref to enable transparent browsers ala Aterm or Eterm
Severity: S3 → N/A
Priority: P3 → P5
No longer blocks: 399856
Duplicate of this bug: 399856
Closed: 3 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 128 Branch
Blocks: 1910001
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