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Meet The Thunderbird Team: Sol Valverde, UI/UX Designer

Welcome back to our Meet The Team series. I recently had a very entertaining conversation with Sol Valverde, one of the creative minds behind Thunderbird’s user experience and interface design. Sol explained how growing up around developers influenced her career path, and discusses the thought process behind designing and improving Thunderbird’s visuals.

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Our First Thunderbird Contributor Highlight!

Thunderbird wouldn’t be here today without its incredible and dedicated contributors. The people developing Thunderbird and all of its add-ons, testing new releases, and supporting fellow users, for example, are the wind beneath our wings. It’s time to give them the spotlight in our new Contributor Highlight series.

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The New Thunderbird Website Has Hatched has a new look, but the improvements go beyond that. We wanted a website where you could quickly find the information you need, from support to contribution, in clear and easy to understand text. While staying grateful to the many amazing contributors who have helped build and maintain our website over the past 20 […]

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