How Genially ensures that your data is secure

Discover the security measures we use to protect your data
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Chema Roldán

Tiempo de lectura

4 minutes


January 30, 2024


    The internet is an incredible space that allows us to connect with people from all over the world, access any kind of information and – of course – create and share amazing content using tools like Genially.

    Everything that we create and share online is, ultimately, data. Our responsibility at Genially is to safeguard and protect your data from the many threats that exist on the internet, such as attempted cyberattacks, hacking, identity theft, phishing, data breaches, malware… 

    We are committed to safeguarding and protecting every Genially user, whether they have a free or premium plan. Upholding this commitment is of the utmost importance to our team as it’s the basis for building a trusting relationship with you and our community. 

    On the Genially website you can find the Trust Center, a page which explains how we manage and protect the data of every person who uses Genially. Let’s take a look at each of those aspects in a bit more detail.

    We comply with the strictest regulations

    Genially was founded in Cordoba, Spain, and as a result we are under the jurisdiction of European law. What does that mean? Europe has some of the strictest regulations on personal data in the world: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 of the European Union. Genially complies fully with this regulation. 

    Your data is safe in Europe

    First of all, we only ask you for the minimum data required for providing our services, and we only store your data for the duration of our contractual relationship with you.  

    On top of that, our servers are hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Within Amazon’s infrastructure, Genially has chosen to use solely their data center located in Ireland in order to ensure that the data of Genially users does not leave the European Economic Area (EEA). 

    What happens if we use an external provider who is based outside the EEA? Any such provider must ensure that any international data transfers are carried out in accordance with Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) approved by the European Commission.

    More security protocols

    If you take a closer look, the url to access Genially starts with HTTPS. That S at the end stands for secure and refers to a security protocol. It means that information you exchange with our platform is always protected by the encryption protocol TLS 1.2+. While your data is in transit on the internet, nobody can access or view it

    In addition, when your data is “at rest”, it is encrypted with the 256-bit AES algorithm.

    Encrypted passwords and secure access

    To prevent identity theft and the creation of “fake” accounts we require email confirmation every time a new user registers. Nobody can use your email address to create a Genially account because you need to verify the account by clicking on a link that you receive in your inbox.

    You can also access Genially using your Google, Microsoft Office365, LinkedIn, X (previously Twitter), or Facebook account. This user authentication system is known as Single Sign On (SSO) and it’s an industry standard. 

    If you’ve opted to create a Genially account using your email address and a password of your choice, rest assured that we prevent any form of data exposure by storing only encrypted passwords in our database. 

    We do not store unencrypted passwords. Therefore, in the event of a potential security breach, your password would never be exposed. While we’re on the subject, however – remember that it’s a good practice to use a different password for each service you use, to avoid risks should any of those services be exposed to a security breach.

    We continuously track and monitor login attempts to Genially accounts. We pay particular attention to failed logins, and if we detect multiple attempts within a short time period, we assume that this may be a “brute force attack”. In this case, we immediately block the origin of the request in order to secure the account and investigate what’s going on.

    Proactive protection, 24-7

    As well as preventing brute force attacks, Genially has multiple layers of security in place to protect our services and the data of all Genially users from various forms of cyberattack. These include, for example, Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, in which a platform is flooded with requests to force it to collapse.  

    Our infrastructure is monitored continuously with the objective of ensuring that Genially is always available.

    We back up our data every day, so that your creations are always secure and accessible – even geniallys that you’ve deleted! Did you know that you can retrieve deleted designs from the Trash for up to 30 days?

    Security for people who view your creations

    The security of people who view and access designs created in Genially is also important to us, and we take measures to ensure that they don’t fall victim to scams, identity theft or data theft via phishing.

    What is phishing?

    Phishing is one of the most common forms of social engineering attack. It’s a type of fraud in which attackers pose as a trusted entity such as a reputable website, an email address of one of your contacts, or a service that you use. Their aim is to get you to click on malicious links or disclose confidential information such as your password or credit card details in order to use your data fraudulently. 

    Phishing has been around for as long as the internet. At some point you have likely received a suspicious email or message from a sender impersonating a bank, or an email from an unknown sender inviting you to open an attached file. Remember: You should never open files or links that you receive from a sender who you don’t know. 

    At Genially we monitor to ensure that individuals do not use content created on our platform for malicious, deceptive, or dishonest purposes. 

    Any link (URL) that is included in a genially is checked using Google Web Risk API. It’s the same service used by Google Chrome that alerts you when you’re about to open a website that might be dangerous. If the website is flagged as unsafe, we block the link in question. 

    On top of that, because the number of potentially dangerous websites is proliferating faster than the Google service is updated, at Genially we have also implemented our own mechanisms to identify malicious links and suspicious patterns. If we detect suspicious activity, a member of our technical team will check whether the links in the creation are safe.

    Want to learn more?

    Head over to the Genially Trust Center, where you’ll find direct links to our Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, Cookies Policy and Legal Notice. 

    Don’t forget that our Help Center is also available, and our Support team are happy to respond to any questions you may have about your data.

    Enjoy creating and designing with Genially! Our team is here to make sure that it’s safe and secure.

    Picture of Chema Roldán
    Chema Roldán
    CTO and Genially Co-founder

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