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Consumer Insights Hub with Smart Targets

Brands have adopted customer panels, communities and DIY survey tools in order to meet their insights needs in an Agile environment. While these tools have streamlined the Insights function, they often require trade-offs between time, cost and quality that can reduce the ability to uncover truly meaningful insights. ​

Long Term Reach with Short Term Setup

The Problem

  • The pace of business is increasing and research can struggle to keep up
  • Issues with data quality and fraud can call into question the validity and value of research
  • Most research is not standalone, but iterative and tied to broader initiatives and it can be difficult to “connect the dots”
  • The actions a brand should take based on insights are often not clear

The Solution:

  • Pre-recruited and profiled populations allow for quick and frictionless research execution
  • Vetted respondents ensure high-quality, reliable data
  • Housing all research in one place makes it easier to analyze data holistically and enables deeper levels of analysis
  • Enriched data that plugs directly into the marketing ecosystem ensures alignment between strategy and implementation

Introducing the Consumer Insights Hub, your dynamic all-in-one platform for cost-effective, agile, on-demand research​

  • Create efficiencies in research spending across the organization by simplifying the recruitment of target audiences
  • Ensures you are talking to “real” respondents with high-quality responses
  • Be creative and choose flexible methodologies that are fit for purpose
  • Accelerate research timelines across exploration, validation & projection workstreams

Audience matters most. We will find yours.

  • Registration invites your customer list or your specified audience via online respondent panels​
  • Prospective panelists fill out a registration form with demographic, (your) segmentation and behavioral questions of interest.
  • Upon entry, they are tagged as a registered member, and our Audience Intelligence platform integration seamlessly provides an overview of the panelists’ digital behaviors
  • Your Big Village engagement experts ensure panelists are not overleveraged, are rewarded appropriately, and are maintained and refreshed to the highest of engagement standards

The Hub offers the ability to execute everything from qual to quant, secondary research and beyond at any moment. A truly strategic data asset generating cost-effective, agile, on-demand research.

  • Online FGS, IDIs and Ethnography
  • Custom Short Term Digital Hives
  • CARAVAN® Agile Surveys
  • Always on Communities
  • Audience Intelligence
  • Secondary Research

Full analysis and activation how you want it when you need it.

  • AI-enabled summaries
  • Analysis from industry experts
  • Easy to use dashboard-based reporting (all quant data in one place)
  • CRM scoring/enrichment
  • Audience targeting through media

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