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Meet the winners of our Empower Now Ideathon!

Our two-day Ideathon helps entrepreneurs develop their digital solution in the area of empowerment and participation! Participants are welcome to bring their own idea or work on a completely new project together with other participants. They were also supported by our DEI experts. Prizes for the top teams include workshops on creating a communications strategy or content with TikTok as well as cash prizes up to 1,000€.


Ideathon is one of the many initiatives of our newly developed Empower Now programme in partnership with TikTok. Empower Now is designed by and targeted to FLINTA* (female, lesbian, inter, non-binary, trans, agender) founders who are marginalised and working towards a more inclusive, equitable and participatory society.

1ST PLACE: 6.24


An app for neurodivergent people that is intended to assist them with managing their daily lives. The app is targeted to  autistic individuals, people with ADHD, and those with learning disabilities or severe mental illnesses.

Through the app, neurodivergent individuals can manage their day independently and autonomously. They can handle sudden changes, prioritize tasks, realistically plan their day, meet basic needs, and much more.

The app allows neurodivergent people to achieve greater independence, agency, focus, and self-sufficiency.



An app to financially empower FINTA* with migration background in Germany in order to help them navigate conversations around money without shame and with confidence.

Users will have access to help building their financial profile that includes discriminatory factors which leads to breaking taboos around intersectional financial vulnerabilities.

The feature of “Mindset Building” strives to build a healthy mindset around financial topics and raise awareness on societal conditioning and personal limiting beliefs around money.



‘Your inclusivity copilot’


All.txt offers users guidance on how to write gender inclusively in the German language.


The app enables automated text editing and explanations of gender-appropriate wording.



This app is a digital storyptelling app for 16 year olds in Germany that employs game mechanism in order to to build empathy for climate migrants.

Intended to be used as a classroom tool, heatwave empowers the teenagers to find their growing democratic voice in order to advocate for a more inclusive society by raising awareness about the interconnectedness of climate change and migration trends.



Sexual harassment online can be very direct or done in a very subtle way. In both cases, especially at work, online dating, or communicating on other platforms, victims are put in a situation where they have to deal with helplessness, shame, and confusion about what to do.

Howtonotharass is a holistic approach to support victims of online harassment that starts with educating.

This app acts as a tool to use when sexual harassment is occurring followed with a support programme. The content also intends to address the perpetrator using content to depower through empowerment.

Would you like to explore the other programmes and events part of our programme Empower Now in partnership with TikTok?