B Corp Certification

Certified B Corporations, or B Corps, are companies verified by B Lab to meet high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability. Find out more about B Corps and the path to certification.

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Benefits of B Corp

Businesses that become B Corps have seen great results: committed and motivated employees, increased customer loyalty, higher levels of innovation, and market leadership.

How to certify as a B Corp

Certifying to be a B Corp is a comprehensive and rigorous process.  Here we provide a complete guide to the certification process, including eligibility, pricing, requirements, advice and best practice.

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We're updating the Standards for B Corp Certification

We’re in the midst of the biggest change to the B Corp standards for certification. We're now in the second consultation period — sharing the latest iteration of the standards and calling for your feedback.


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Want to meet the community? 

With an ever-growing community in the UK and around the world, there are B Corps you can buy from, work for, do business with and invest in. Browse B Corp products and services on the global directory.