This is rosy_spex’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Alternative
  1. collection 54
  2. wishlist 3
  3. following 43
    by Femtanyl
  2. Afar
    by Ice Choir
  3. w w w . d e e p d i v e . c o m
    by Webinar™
  4. Online
    by Dream.Corp
  5. Biting Elbows
    by Biting Elbows
  6. Stevia Spheres
    by Stevia Sphere
  7. GCR016(b) The Decline Era B-sides
    by Sea Power (Golden Chariot Records)
  8. Nattens Madrigal
    by Ulver
  9. GCR016(a) - The Decline of British Sea Power
    by Sea Power (Golden Chariot Records)
  10. Bicycle
    by Patricia Taxxon
  11. Chroma Velocity
    by City Girl
  12. Somnolent Nova
    by City Girl
  13. Celestial Angel
    by City Girl
  14. Siren of the Formless
    by City Girl
  15. Goddess of the Hollow
    by City Girl
  16. Time Falls Like Moonlight
    by City Girl
  17. Neon Impasse
    by City Girl
  18. Snow Rose
    by City Girl
  19. Hades: Original Soundtrack
    by Darren Korb
  20. Celeste Original Soundtrack
    by Lena Raine