This is jd_shaloop’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Alternative
  1. collection 52
  2. wishlist 26
  3. followers 1
  4. following 42
  1. Creation
    by The Daysleepers
    by KNOWER
  3. Disco Elysium
    by Sea Power (Golden Chariot Records)
  4. Really From
    by Really From
  5. Low Level
    by bis
  6. see you tomorrow
    by the innocence mission
  7. birds of my neighborhood
    by the innocence mission
  8. We Weren't Here
    by Film School
  9. Get Up + Live Forever
    by Pliocene
  10. Call in the Evening Birds
    by Pliocene
  11. Swallowed in the Dark Sea
    by Pliocene
  12. One Thing Leads to Another
    by Ioanna Gika
  13. Cold Beat
    by The Sound
  14. Unwritten Law
    by The Sound
  15. Diamond Destroyer of Death
    by ROAR
    Maybe the best Roar album yet. Heart-breakingly beautiful. I love the way repeating musical and lyrical phrases weave through different songs.
    by Jeff Rosenstock
  17. Designs In Rhythm
    by Ice Choir
  18. Afar
    by Ice Choir
  19. 2020 DUMP
    by Jeff Rosenstock
  20. Is the Is Are
    by DIIV