This is default_nano’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Soundtrack
  1. collection 11
  2. wishlist 1
  3. following 5
  1. Oneshot: Solstice Soundtrack
    by Nightmargin (Casey Gu) and Michael Shirt
    Encounter Encounter
  2. OneShot Soundtrack
    by Nightmargin (Casey Gu), ft Eliza Velasquez and Michael Shirt
    Library Stroll Library Stroll
  3. Celeste 64: Fragments of the Mountain (Original Soundtrack)
    by Lena Raine
    Cassettappella Cassettappella
  4. UNDERTALE Soundtrack
    by toby fox

    I knew this game was great, and that the soundtrack was awesome, but I have clearly underestimated the depth and thought Toby Fox put into his soundtrack.

    Absolutely stunning. The emotionals hit emotionally. The intenses hit intensely. Even the offputting hit offputtingly. Absolute musical mastery.
  5. Celeste Original Soundtrack
    by Lena Raine
    Exhale Exhale
    How do you even start to go about picking a favorite track for this one? Each track is produced so well and is so perfect in conveying its intended emotion that you can barely compare them to each other. From the terrifying chill-inducing synths of 'In The Mirror' to the gleeful tranquility of 'Exhale', this soundtrack sends you on an intense emotional rollercoaster - something that so very few tracks can manage this well.
  6. Celeste - Madeline's Grab Bag
    by Lena Raine
    First Steps (Piano Only) First Steps (Piano Only)
    Beautiful. No better feeling than the crescendo of elation that you feel upon hearing the chapter complete music after a long journey.
  7. Celeste B-Sides
    by Various Artists
    Mirror Temple (Mirror Magic Mix) Mirror Temple (Mirror Magic Mix)
    The quality of this album came to a huge surprise to me upon playing the game for the first time. Each new track clearly draws from its original counterpart, while adding its own flair and shooting up the intensity by tenfold. How it does this, I'm not even sure. Each track screams challenge and perfectly fits and boosts the shrill determination felt by the player (or at least me) upon entering each level.
  8. Celeste: Farewell (Original Soundtrack)
    by Lena Raine
    Beyond the Heart Beyond the Heart
    How does she do it yet AGAIN?? Each track feels so natural and really flows with the gameplay so well that you almost forget that it's there at all (other than the amazing music playing in your ears). I couldn't manage to get tired of a single track here, despite getting stuck on Farewell for over an hour.

    And nothing. Nothing. beats the incredible rush of determination you feel at the beginning of 'Beyond The Heart' (although the other tracks are all brilliant in their own right).
  9. Falling Into Place
    by HOME
    Head First Head First
  10. Minecraft - Volume Beta
    by C418
    Taswell Taswell
    This album brings me back to when I'd sit on the playstation making stupid creations in creative mode and just messing around in general. It reminds me of a time when everything was so free, simple, open, and easy. A time before multibillion dollar corporations rained down hell on creators unwilling to agree to their unfair terms.
  11. Minecraft - Volume Alpha
    by C418
    Mice on Venus Mice on Venus
    This album is the epitome of memorable video game music. Applied perfectly into the game, it stays unobtrusive and hence sticks with you the whole way through. It brings back so many memories. It's sad that C418 can't continue making soundtracks for Minecraft, though I'm sure he'll do great on whatever he chooses to work on next <3