Generation Zero - NEW DAWN UPDATE


Today marks the third update for Generation Zero so far this year! This time around we’re focused on polishing the early game a bit more for our new players, as well as giving a new option for veteran players to experiment more with their character builds.


With this update, we added some new NPCs to the beginning of the game. These revamped missions will introduce two new characters to the world of Östertörn. You’ll find Therese quite early in the first mission(s) to help guide you through your understanding of the systems of Generation Zero through given objectives.

Pontus will make a quick cameo in your journey through the Archipelago as well. He will be ready to help you through some of the first missions in the bunkers of Östertörn.


Skill Respec has also arrived! Players can finally continue to iterate and experiment with their character builds. You will have to progress a bit in-game before you're able to use this new feature, as you’ll have to collect 5 Uranium to do so. These can be found around Östertörn through various activities, you can also earn 5 Uranium for every 5 player levels up to level 31, and you will earn 5 Uranium for each level after 31. 

Indeed, you read that right. The level cap is coming off in Generation Zero, partially anyway. With the new maximum level reaching 10k for those that are running and gunning their way to prestige!


FNIX has been quite busy since the last update and has further encroached into the Farmlands region with new control points. 12 new control points are ready and waiting for you to raid them for all the loot needed to keep the resistance going! You’ll be able to hold up to 6 locations in this newly opened front. Here is a sneak peek at a couple of them so far:


There have been a few new iterations on the North Coast. The most affected areas are in Hagaboda, so hop on over to see all the new details and explore!


This paid DLC is bringing new tactics to the battlefield with scrapped together support equipment from past Resistance fights. 

Autonomous Turret Sentry - This deployable mini-tower can give you cover fire while traversing an incursion.

Portable Cover - Assembled armor pieces from FNIX’s friends can now give you cover in a tight spot!

Remote Sticky Bombs - You’ll now be able to throw (and stick) multiple explosives to any incoming machine, perhaps even turning them into a makeshift weapon on the fly!

Dog Toy Lure - This trap is cute and cuddly, for a brief moment anyway, but will bring explosive hugs to its metallic friends after some time.

Molotov Cocktail - A classic weapon for any resistance! Throwing these will not only damage machines but will also burn fuel on the ground for added effect.