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Mitigate Risk & Fraud with Email Address Intelligence

The email address is the most important component of someone’s online identity. It is the thread that ties online profiles together and remains the cheapest way for organizations to engage with their customers. Over the last decade, the average consumer has kept their same, primary email address for at least 10 years, which we can only expect to increase.

This results in the email address being one of the stickiest forms of identity as people change addresses and are less likely to share phone numbers. Furthermore, it is the most reliable source of information specifically tied to identifying and flagging fraudulent behaviors.

Email address intelligence enables organizations to connect the dots between the email address and the person behind it, and a lot can be uncovered by analyzing activity and engagement signals tied to it. Email address intelligence provides an important layer of protection for your database to minimize potential threats which can negatively impact your business.

Pinpoint Suspicious Activity, Lockdown Transactions

The way consumers make buying decisions began shifting towards digital in the last decade but was pushed into hyperdrive in 2020. Now, nearly two-thirds of adults worldwide are using digital payments and digital revenue is expected to reach $14.9 trillion by 2027. With many online engagements and transactions happening every day, fraudsters are taking advantage of the opportunity to acquire goods and services through methods such as credit card fraud, online payment fraud, identity theft and account takeovers. This results in chargeback requests, which is expected to cost businesses globally $41 billion by 2027.

Transaction fraud occurs when bad actors attempt to exploit businesses during the payment process, and it’s a risk that many businesses face if online payment is part of the customer journey. The key for organizations is to flag and deny the transaction before it is processed to protect their bottom line, maintain trust with their customers, and avoid lost opportunities.

Being in control of your first-party data provides you with insight into the online profiles that are associated with your business, which typically requires an email address at the point of account creation. By analyzing the behavioral insights of the email address, such as first activity date, email velocity, and email popularity, you can verify the identity of the card user while also providing a frictionless experience for the customer.

Comprehensive Fraud Detection

Utilizing a robust email-centric database monitoring more than 4 billion monthly email activity signals on 2.5B email addresses, AtData provides a clear picture of who users are at the point of purchase.

99% Email Address Recognition Rate in North America

4+ Billion Email Activity Signals Processed Monthly

Billions of Identity Linkages and Validated Email Addresses

Over 20 years Specializing in Email Address Intelligence

AtData accurately pinpoints risky and fraudulent profiles using machine learning-based models. Utilizing a single email address, we analyze multiple risk variables to provide you with an easy-to-implement score.

AtData can quickly identify a potential fraudulent customer profile with the most accurate email data available in the industry. Your business can identify and flag malicious activity at a more rapid pace across billions of datapoints to prevent transactional fraud.

AtData is the leader in email address intelligence with our 20 years of experience and historical data. Armed with billions of email events processed daily, you can fuel your fraud decision logic to better assess risk.

Consequences of Ignoring Transaction Fraud Prevention

Neglecting transaction fraud prevention in online businesses can have severe consequences that reverberate throughout the organization and beyond:

Strengthening Security: Email-Centric Monitoring For Fraud Prevention

Email-centric database monitoring is a pivotal tool in the fight against fraud in online transactions, offering a multifaceted approach to detection and prevention:

The Impact of Fraud Prevention Measures on Customer Satisfaction

While implementing transaction fraud prevention measures is crucial for securing online business operations, assessing how these measures impact customer satisfaction is equally important. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there industry standards for preventing transaction fraud?

Yes, industry standards like the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) outline requirements for safeguarding payment account data. Compliance with such standards minimizes the risk of transaction fraud for businesses.

How often should businesses update fraud prevention strategies?

Regularly monitoring and updating fraud prevention strategies are crucial, especially given fraudsters’ evolving tactics. Reviewing and updating measures bi-annually or with significant changes in the business or technology landscape is advisable.

How does machine learning aid in preventing transaction fraud?

Machine learning algorithms analyze vast datasets to spot patterns and anomalies indicative of fraud. Continuously learning, these systems become adept at anticipating and thwarting fraudulent activities, bolstering online business security.

Can customer education deter transaction fraud?

Certainly, educating customers about fraud risks and how to spot and respond to suspicious activities is effective in prevention. Businesses can offer educational resources, secure transaction tips, and encourage reporting of suspicious behavior.

What legal steps can businesses take against transaction fraud?

Businesses can take legal actions such as reporting fraud to authorities, pursuing civil litigation for recovery, and collaborating with law enforcement for criminal prosecution. Clear terms of service and fraud prevention policies offer a legal foundation for addressing fraudulent activities.

Learn How an Email Address Protects Your Transactions and Alleviates Threats

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