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Gain Confidence in Your First-Party Data to Engage Across Digital Channels

SafeToSend leads the industry in accuracy, security, speed, and ease of use to provide comprehensive email data hygiene and protection against costly problematic addresses. Inaccurate or decayed data, bouncing emails, spamtrap hits, and potential for damaged reputation are just a few reasons to utilize SafeToSend for email address validation.

SafeToSend emails are 100% guaranteed safe, deliverable addresses to drive higher engagement rates. Continuously improved for over 20 years with billions processed, there’s no better choice for your data quality needs.

Recent Innovations

Addition of
Engagement Score

Email addresses are scored based on engagement and activity signals to identify actively used emails for improved deliverability, better segmentation, and qualifying leads.

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Reduction in Email Validation Unknown Rates

Utilizing machine learning models, SafeToSend now has even more complete fill rates so companies can forge stronger connections with their hard-earned customer base.

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Improved Dangerous Domain Detection

Advanced methods to more rapidly identify abnormal behavior across billions of activity signals to prevent deployment to risky addresses and protect data integrity.

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Confirm the address is valid and able to accept email using proprietary algorithms and knowledgebase.

  • Syntax conforms to RFC and AtData standards.
  • Domain and MX record are valid and accept mail.
  • Address meets ISP-specific requirements.
  • Verify account is linked to a working mailbox. (Our process includes recent email deliverability findings and real-time SMTP check)


Fix typos, formatting, syntax and other input errors with our patented “spell-check” technology.

  • Misplaced or transposed @ signs and invalid characters such as spaces or quotes.
  • Typos in both TLD’s (.com, .net, .edu, etc.) and LLD’s (gmail, aol, Hotmail, etc.)
  • Any misspelled domain or uncommon domain entries beyond just the common, popular ones.
  • AtData has analyzed billions of email address registrations and can identify and correct the vast majority of inadvertent errors.


We weed out damaging, but often deliverable, addresses to alleviate risk and save reputation.

  • Toxic addresses such as known and suspected spamtraps and honeypots.
  • High-risk and dangerous email domains.
  • Undesirable targets such as spam complainers, role accounts, disposable domains, fictitious and malicious email addresses, and client specific suppressions.
  • Those that fall outside of best-practices like DMA “Do Not Email List” and FCC wireless domains.


Know that your emails are validated, corrected, and safe so your messaging gets to the right audience.

  • All results are 100% guaranteed deliverable.
  • Engagement score identifies how active an email address is based on recency, quantity, type, and sources of activity from billions of email opens, website visits, and other usage signals.
  • Drive higher engagement rates with validated data.

The Impact of Email Validation

Email validation serves as a critical checkpoint for maintaining the hygiene and effectiveness of marketing campaigns. The process ensures that only valid, active, and error-free email addresses are included, significantly improving your campaign’s reach and efficacy. At its core, email validation directly impacts several key areas of digital marketing:

Getting Started is Easy

We make it simple to clean your data through our self-service portal, InstantData. Create a free account and either select your email list from your local device, upload it via FTP or import it from your email marketing platform. We have many integrations with more to come.

Visualize Your Data

Our easy-to-use dashboard gives you a high-level overview of your data quality. Quickly review the status breakdown of your email addresses, the types of domains on your list, how many typos we detected and corrected and the quantity of role accounts you should watch out for.

Detailed Response Codes

Our 35+ response codes provide in-depth insights into your data quality and highlight ways you can improve your data collection practices. InstantData, our self-service platform, provides both summary reports and appends our analysis to each email on your list.

Real-Time API

With our API, you can avoid lost leads and improve data quality by validating email addresses in real-time as they are entered on your web forms or collected in your stores. You can submit files via our API as well and track your usage and results directly via the InstantData dashboard.

SMTP and proprietary mailbox verification

Syntax and typo correction

Enhanced B2B email verification

Advanced SpamTrap detection

Custom filtering

Dedicated email address experts

Access to ESP and data platform integrations

100% Deliverability Guarantee

Comparing Email Validation Tools: What to Look For

When considering email validation, selecting the right tool is vital for ensuring your marketing campaigns run smoothly and effectively. Various solutions on the market offer a wide range of features, but knowing what to look for can help you choose the tool that best fits your needs. Here are key factors to consider in your search:

Continue to Get the Most Out of Your First-Party Data

List Guard®

Protect your data from traps and decay with ongoing monitoring

Learn More

Email Opener Data

Find out which of your email addresses are in-use and responsive

Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is email validation important for marketing initiatives?

Email validation ensures that marketing emails reach valid, active recipients, improving deliverability, engagement, and ultimately, the success of marketing campaigns.

How often should a business validate its email list?

The frequency of email list validation depends on how often you acquire new contacts and your email sending volume. A best practice is to validate emails as they are added to your database as well as your entire email list every three to six months. However, if your list grows rapidly or you notice an increase in bounce rates, more frequent validations might be necessary.

Is email validation necessary for small businesses?

Absolutely. Small businesses, just like larger ones, benefit from email validation. It helps in ensuring that marketing efforts are not wasted on undeliverable emails, protects the sender’s reputation, and can improve the overall effectiveness of email marketing campaigns, no matter the size of the business.

What is the role of real-time email validation?

Real-time email validation plays a crucial role in capturing valid email addresses at the point of entry, for instance, during sign-ups on a website. It instantly validates email addresses entered by users, ensuring that only valid and correctly formatted addresses are collected. This proactive approach helps maintain a clean email list right from the start, enhancing the overall efficiency of your email marketing efforts.

Make Sure Your Emails Are 100% SafeToSend® Guaranteed

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Additional Resources

Talk with an Email Expert