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Identify the Best in Your First-Party Data

The AtData Quality Score helps identify higher value email addresses enabling companies to confidently segment those more likely to engage across digital channels. Improve segmentation and qualify customer databases to increase engagement, deliverability, response rates, and conversions. Emails with varying scores can be targeted, messaged, and analyzed differently.

As part of our email address intelligence offerings, the Quality Score enables you to identify lookalike audiences in your subscribers that most closely align to your best customers. It can be used to improve delivery and response across channels.

Quality Score could be used for things like:

Adding email address quality scoring to your broader marketing strategy is an investment in your brand’s ability to effectively engage with your audience. By prioritizing quality over quantity, businesses can foster meaningful interactions that drive conversions and ultimately enhance overall campaign performance.

Cover the full spectrum by also identifying email addresses that are high risk with
Fraud Risk Score

Example Uses of Quality Score


Improve Response Rates

Deficient or inconsistent engagement data can lead to poor campaign performance for critical marketing campaigns. Leverage the Quality Score to target addresses that are known to be more responsive in order to get greater clicks and conversions.


Address Deliverability Issues Due to Poor Engagement

For example, Gmail uses engagement with a mailer’s content as a metric to determine inbox placement. The Quality Score can be used to segment highly engaged users as opposed to those that don’t open, click, or engage with marketing campaigns. Improve inbox placement by mailing to higher ranked addresses.


Better Determine Lead Quality

If you buy or sell leads, or receive leads from multiple sources, Quality Score is another tool to help evaluate the quality of the leads from each source.


Win-Back or Suppress Inactive Addresses

Every mailer has addresses that show no signs of life. With access only to your own marketing data and email service provider’s (ESP) engagement metrics, you have no way of knowing if an email address is just not responding to your content or is effectively abandoned. The Quality Score accesses multiple mailers and ESPs to find ideal targets for win-back campaigns and those to confidently stop mailing.


Reactivate Dormant Addresses

Many companies have email lists they haven’t mailed in a long time, and sometimes they want to reengage or reactivate those users. It can be risky to email large stagnant lists that could have flipped to spamtraps or may no longer be actively used. Combining AtData’s email address intelligence solutions with Quality Score can help clean the dormant list and identify the subset of emails that would be best to target.

Machine Learning at Its Core

Email address quality scoring is a sophisticated method used in digital marketing to assess the validity and engagement potential of email addresses. This evaluation is crucial as it ensures that marketing campaigns effectively reach the best audience while minimizing wasted efforts.

The Quality Score is a machine-learning model that can be trained on your data. It profiles email addresses using billions of open, click, and web activity signals combined with demographics, purchase behavior, and spend propensity from hundreds of sources. Going beyond traditional recency, frequency, monetary value (RFM) analysis, the score ranks an email on how well it fits the profile of a high-quality subscriber. Get to know the individual behind the email address better.

Quality Score quantifies the value of an email address to your marketing efforts by considering various factors, including:

  • Usage frequency and patterns of use of the email address
  • Quantity and diversity of sources reporting activity
  • Overall digital footprint of the email
  • Frequency with which online vs offline purchase activity is seen
  • Likelihood of associated spending
  • Popularity of product categories and types purchased

Frequently Asked Questions

What is email address quality scoring in digital marketing?

Email address quality scoring is a process used in digital marketing to evaluate and grade the worthiness or integrity of email addresses on a company’s mailing list. This score assesses the likelihood that an email will engage positively with marketing campaigns, taking into account factors like deliverability, engagement rates, and previous activity.

Why is maintaining a high-quality email list important?

Maintaining a high-quality email list is crucial as it directly influences campaign success rates, deliverability, and sender reputation. A high-quality list results in higher engagement, better conversion rates, and a more significant ROI for marketing efforts, while minimizing the risk of being blacklisted by ISPs.

How does email address quality scoring enhance digital marketing success?

Email address quality scoring enhances digital marketing success by ensuring that campaigns are targeted at active, engaged subscribers. This leads to higher open and click-through rates, better engagement, and more efficient use of marketing resources, thereby enhancing overall campaign effectiveness and ROI.

Is email address quality scoring relevant for all types of businesses?

Yes, email address quality scoring is relevant for all types of businesses that utilize email marketing. Whether a small startup or a large corporation, having a quality email list is crucial for effective marketing communications, customer engagement, and maximizing the overall success of email marketing campaigns.

How often should businesses clean their email lists?

Businesses should aim to clean their email lists regularly, typically every three to six months, or more frequently depending on the volume of emails and the rate of list growth. Regular cleaning helps remove inactive or invalid addresses, maintaining the quality and effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Rapidly Improve Marketing Efforts with Email Address Quality Scoring

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