Protecting Mobile Privacy: Your Smartphones, Tablets, Cell Phones and Your Privacy

Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology and the Law
Washington, DC | May 10, 2011

On May 10, 2011, I testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Privacy Technology and the Law regarding mobile privacy. The other witnesses included representatives from Apple, Google, Center for Democracy and Technology, and the Association for Competitive Technology.

Read prepared testimony.

USA Today live blogged the hearing.

senate testimony
Video archives on CSPAN include my delivered testimony, answers to questions about what “location” means, and a question from Senator Franken about the most serious threat regarding mobile devices and privacy. View CSPAN footage of entire hearing

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The State of Online Consumer Privacy

Senate Commerce Committee
Washington, DC | March 16, 2011

On March 16, 2011,  I appeared as a witness at the Senate Commerce Committee’s hearing on consumer privacy. Other witnesses included representatives from the Federal Trade Commission, the US Department of Commerce, Microsoft, Intuit, Group M Interaction, and the ACLU.

Read prepared testimony. 

Blog coverage of hearing.

Key quotes from hearing.


CSPAN archives include my delivered testimony, and a question from Senator Kerry regarding first party versus third party data collection. View entire hearing here.