Quick Guide to Ukrainian Architecture: Scansens

Discover seven authentic open-air museums. Each of them is a virtual journey where you can travel back to the past and get acquainted with Ukrainian culture and way of life.

Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture and Life (1965)CFC Big Ideas in association with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy

How to enjoy a virtual journey of Ukrainian culture

Authenticity preserved

One cannot stay indifferent with quiet cool houses with reed roofs, farms, and mills slowly rotating their blades in wide fields. Centuries later, you can walk again along the reeds and sit in the shade or enter a cozy, authentic Ukrainian house. Let's get the journey started!

National Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine (1969)CFC Big Ideas in association with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy

Facts about the museum

1. National Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine

Steep hills, wide fields, creaking mills and churches, and cozy Ukrainian farmhouses are all imbued with the spirit of a rich Ukrainian history. 

The unique atmosphere of the museum

The open-air museum is located on the outskirts of Kyiv. There you can discover different parts of Ukrainian architecture and culture, as well as make a peculiar journey through time, revealing the secrets and life of the Ukrainian people throughout history. 

Shevchenko Grove, Museum of Folk Architecture and Life (1971)CFC Big Ideas in association with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy

Details on the museum’s atmosphere

2. Shevchenko's Grove

Shevchenko Grove, or Lviv Scansen, is an open-air museum founded in 1971. The museum features micro-villages of Boykivshchyna, Lemkivshchyna, Hutsulshchyna, Bukovyna, Pokuttya, Podillia, Zakarpattya, and Lviv's ethnographic regions.

Details on what the museum entails

The oldest house in the museum was built back in 1749. Nowadays, the museum preserves a collection of almost 22,000 items and more than 100 large architectural objects.

Zaporizhzhia Sich, Historical and Cultural Complex (2009)CFC Big Ideas in association with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy

Details on the structure of the Sich

3. Zaporizhzhia Sich

Wrapped on both sides of the wide Dnipro River, Khortytsia Island rises above a river and is surrounded by rocks and sandy shores.

The things you can learn in Zaporizhzhia Sich

Zaporizhzhia Sich is the soul and heart of Ukrainian Cossacks. The glorious past of Cossack warriors is glorified by poets, artists, and historians.

Middle Dnieper Museum of Folk Life and Architecture (1964)CFC Big Ideas in association with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy

Facts about the Middle Dnieper Museum of Folk Life and Architecture

4. Middle Dnieper Museum of Folk Life and Architecture

On the outskirts of Pereyaslav, there is the Museum of Folk Architecture and Life in the Middle Naddnipryanshchyna. Among the singing of birds and rustling leaves and the shadows of tall perennial trees, there are monuments of folk architecture from the XVIII-XIX centuries.

The bits of Ukrainian history you can see in the museum

The open-air museum also features houses with land, more than 20 thousand pieces of folk art, objects of everyday life, and tools collected in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine.

Mamayeva Sloboda Open Air MuseumCFC Big Ideas in association with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy

A fact about the uniqueness of the museum

5. Mamayeva Sloboda

Behind the thick trees at the mouth of the Lybid River, there is a small Ukrainian village, the Mamayeva Sloboda Museum. In the center of the architectural ensemble that consists of 98 units, there is a Cossack three-domed wooden church. 

Details on the museum’s interesting location

The objects of Mamayeva Sloboda are used by the method of reproduction of the living history according to their original functions, with the aim of popularizing and reviving the original Ukrainian folk traditions, customs, rites, forgotten labor skills, and handicrafts.

Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Residence, Historical and Architectural Complex (1995)CFC Big Ideas in association with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy

The things you can see in the residency complex

6. Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Residence

The historical and architectural complex, "The Residence of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi," was built on the site of the former capital of Hetman Ukraine in the middle of the 17th century — the glorious city of Chyhyryn.

Details on the structure of the residency

Chyhyryn, founded in the first half of the 16th century on the border with the Wield Fields, or Loca deserta, occupies a prominent place in Ukrainian history. The city reached its greatest prosperity in 1648-1657 when it was the residence of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytskyi.

Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture and Life (1965)CFC Big Ideas in association with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy

The things you can see in the museum

7. Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture and Life

One of the first open-air museums in Ukraine is located in the historic part of Uzhhorod on the southern slope of Castle Hill, beneath the walls of a medieval castle.

Details on the museum’s atmosphere and artefacts

Here, one can view architectural monuments of the ancient Zakarpattia village and samples of the oldest and most common types of folk art.

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