Smachno: Bitesize History of Ukrainian Food

Discover the background and hidden senses of Ukrainian cuisine

DerunyCFC Big Ideas in association with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy

A mirror of society: cuisine

The dishes on the table of a Ukrainian household were determined by their way of life. Ukrainian food has always reflected many aspects of life, such as available products, common methods and technologies for preparing food, regional peculiarities, traditions, and seasonality.

Hidden meaning of the name

The first thing one notices in food is its name. As for Ukrainian dishes, you can find out how they were cooked by what they are called – kruchenyky - “krutyty” means “to swirl”; sichenyky - “sikty” means “to cut”; varenyky - “varyty” means “to boil.”

Modern Easter basket of a hostess from Kosmach villageCFC Big Ideas in association with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy

Holiday cuisine

Ukrainian cuisine includes many special holiday dishes, too. Throughout the centuries, Ukrainians have cooked certain foods for particular occasions. For instance, kutia and uzvar are for Christmas, paska is for Easter, and korovay is for weddings.

The Lypivskyi large family, Holynchyntsi village, Sharhorod district, 1943 (1943)CFC Big Ideas in association with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy

Old traditions

There are two main dimensions of how Ukrainian cuisine was shared and modified. The main source of food traditions is family. Although now the custom is changing, women were the ones who were cooking daily. Young girls were gradually taught how to cook. 

Dolma or tolmaCFC Big Ideas in association with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy

Another way food culture was developed, is through big holidays and ritual feasts where people could exchange their food expertise and recipes.

Harvest festival, Vinnytsia region (1938)CFC Big Ideas in association with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy

Ukrainians’ main occupation for a long time was harvesting and agriculture. People worked on the land, growing different types of cereals, such as barley, millet, rye, oats, and wheat. This is why foods like bread, porridge, and coolie were a main part of Ukrainian cooking.

Simplicity is key

Food was valued for its nutritiousness and the long-lasting products were preferred, such as bread and cereals, along with legumes cooked in various oils.

Soups, borsch, and pottages were also a big part of everyday food life, along with porridges.

Bread is the staff of life

Up until the middle of the 20th century, bread was one of the main foods for Ukrainians. Earlier, unleavened bread had been popular, soon replaced by sourdough bread. For instance, people could grab a loaf of bread, a piece of salo, and some cucumbers for a field lunch.

Dairy traditions

Ukrainian food culture wouldn’t be complete without the variety of dairy products, as cattle-breeding was another dominant activity in addition to agriculture. Many beverages and products, like ryazhanka, kolotusha, syrovatka, butter, cream, and others were based on sour and sweet milk. 

Meat dishes

Meat dishes were usually prepared for special occasions, like holidays or on Sundays, depending on the family’s wealth. For holidays like Christmas, Easter, weddings, and others, sausages, roasts, and holodets were prepared. 

BograchCFC Big Ideas in association with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy

Now, the popular tendency for Ukrainian food is to trace its roots and find new ways to apply old techniques. Craft and farmer foods are valued. People continue many holiday feast traditions and create new interpretations for them in the modern world.

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