Hantan River, UNESCO Global Geopark

Visit a river crossing the two Korea through the Demilitarized zone

The Hantan River

The occurrence and development of the Hantan River flowing from Mount Jangamsan in Pyeonggang-gun, Gangwon-do are due to the volcanic activity that occurred approximately 270,000 years ago.

Sound of the Hantan River

Lava erupted from the volcanic activity of Mount Orisan, located in the Pyonggang region of North Korea; flowed 95 km through Yeoncheon to Paju; and a lava plain was formed over a vast area of land (641 km2 in total). 

Sound of the Hantan River

Thereafter, as a result of active wind and water erosion along the weak boundary between granite and gneiss, the Hantan River Gorge was formed through the center of the Cheorwon Plain.

Sound of the Hantan River

The Hantan River area has a unique landscape of small waterfalls, columnar joints, planticular joints, and ponds, along with wide plains and wetlands.

Sound of the Hantan River

It is an area with excellent biodiversity, with numerous living beings nesting in various places due to the diverse habitats it provides.

Sound of the Hantan River

The area also serves as a shelter for Grus japonensis, Aegypius monachus, and Anser fabalis, which migrate from Russia and northern China to escape the cold in winter.

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