About the National Science and Media Museum

Discover the National Science and Media Museum in Bradford, part of the Science Museum Group

1983-Museum-exteriorNational Science and Media Museum

Opened in 1983, the National Science and Media Museum sits in the heart of Bradford, West Yorkshire, exploring the science and culture of image and sound technologies and their impact on our lives.

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We aim to inspire the scientists and engineers of the future.

eastman-kodak-close-upNational Science and Media Museum

Our galleries and exhibition spaces draw on more than three million objects from our national collection to explore and celebrate photography, film, television, animation, video games and sound technologies. 

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We explore key stories that are relevant to all our lives, including the creation of the world’s first photograph, Louis Le Prince’s ground-breaking work in film, and the forgotten pioneer of the pixel who created the building blocks of digital photography. 

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Our learning programme fuels the imagination and reveals the incredible stories in our collections and exhibitions, helping us see the science in the world around us.

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Located in the first UNESCO City of Film, the museum is also home to Pictureville, Yorkshire’s biggest independent cinema. 

1983-IMAX-1National Science and Media Museum

With three screens, Pictureville boasts the most immersive IMAX in the region and the only public Cinerama screen in the world.  

The museum is entering an exciting period as plans move ahead for Sound and Vision, our ambitious £6million redevelopment project, with two new galleries set to open in late 2024.

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