Renata Boero

On pointing

Kronos – HOT SPOT – Caring For a Burning World #069 (2018) by Renata BoeroLa Galleria Nazionale

Renata Boero, Kronos

The protagonists is Renata Boero's work Kronos are the times of phenomena and transformations, the relationships between materials, and their attraction or repulsion. Almost like a ritual, in which colour is also smell and sensation.

Kronos – HOT SPOT – Caring For a Burning World #068 (2018) by Renata BoeroLa Galleria Nazionale

What's the first thing you think of when I say Hot Spot?

A feeling of chilling fear.
A danger looms over our planet.

Installation View – HOT SPOT – Caring For a Burning World #064 (2022)La Galleria Nazionale

What is the "hottest" contemporary theme nowadays?

I fear it is precisely the exploitation and neglect that we generally have towards the planet and the environment in which we live, as well as the injustices and wars that surround us.

Kronos – HOT SPOT – Caring For a Burning World #067 (2018) by Renata BoeroLa Galleria Nazionale

How artistic practice can actively influence these issues?

Raise awareness. Join forces. Each with their own work trying to decrease the distance between the mental project and the emergence of the unconscious. To give voice to our roots and stubbornly focus attention on the planet, trying to put it back in touch with us.

Kronos – HOT SPOT – Caring For a Burning World #066 (2018) by Renata BoeroLa Galleria Nazionale

How was it to confront with other artists in Hot Spot?

A fantastic experience. Like entering an academy where various disciplines are practiced from aesthetic enhancement to loving care, where nature is the absolute protagonist who observes herself and actively participates.

Kronos – HOT SPOT – Caring For a Burning World #070 (2018) by Renata BoeroLa Galleria Nazionale

What do you think is the main visitors' feeling in Hot Spot?

I hope you participate with curiosity and interest in this peaceful and intense celebration.

Kronos – HOT SPOT – Caring For a Burning World #069 (2018) by Renata BoeroLa Galleria Nazionale

Choose a claim for an aesthetic activism manifesto

I like to imagine a poster like this. A pointing: a child plays with a large globe in a meadow full of roses.

Credits: Story

Interview by Giulia Lotti. Photo by Adriano Mura.

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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