Artist Luis Nishizawa (1918-2014) was commissioned by ICA to paint this mural, which is composed of five panels. The mural showcases a series of bodies that are not only transforming their context through the building of infrastructure but are also being absorbed by it.

The ICA Man (20th Century) by Luis NishizawaFundación ICA, A.C.

Historical Archive of ICA Foundation, Pictorial Collection

Panel I
Mankind with its creative hands, shapes and builds the cities of the 20th Century that are on the cusp of welcoming the new millennium.

Panel 2
The mural details the raw, building muscle of the company in the times of underground developments.

Panel 3
In the center we see a triangle, which symbolizes the convergence of art and building, as well as the machinery and tools that allow the creation of these new sites.

Panel 4
Human sensibility and its relationship with the surroundings is harmoniously reflected in the hydraulic works.

Panel 5
This mural reflects the technological evolution in the development of underground works, as well as housing, healthcare, and other industries.

Credits: Story

ICA Foundation
Historical Archive
Pictorial Collection

Credits: All media
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