Lutsk is a city in Western Ukraine where street art became popular in early 90's. Various local artists were creating their murals and graffitti separately. The locations are mostly abandoned suburbs, as well as in the city boundaries. Due to the festival Art Territory: the city of creators (2015) street art in Lutsk became more popular.

Луцьк, EGUQ, TicTac, 2015-07-18, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2015. Art Hackaton "University City": Maksym ТікТак (Odesa)

Тризуб, AND, 2015-08, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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AND - Tryzub (2015)

Мироносиця, Magic Art Group, 2015, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2015. Art Territory: місто творців: Magic Art Group 

Вкрадене сонце (Stolen sun), Dilk Feros, 2015, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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 Dilk & Feros - Stolen sun (2015)       

Stork Лелека, Довгалюк Тарас (Arm), 2015, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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Arm - Stork (2015)

Legitymacje, Arkadiusz Andrejkow, 2015, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2015: Art Territory: Arkadiusz Andrejkow - SImple Man

Кіт-моряк, And, 2013, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2014: Djem - Japan Legend

Japan legend, Djem, Андрій Горбаль, 2014, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2014: Djem - Japan Legend

Святий Миколай, Magic Art Group, 2015, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2015: Art Territory: St.Nicholas

Ліс, Віталій Талько, 2015-07-18, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2015: Art Hackaton "University City": Talko - Lis

Думки про щастя, Magic Art Group, 2014, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2014: Magic Art Group - Thoughts about happiness

Святі Мужі Волині, TECK А.К.А. Сергій Радкевич, 2014, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2014: Teck - The Saint Men

Circulation 2015, Kalkov, 2015, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2015: Art territory: Kalkow - Circulation 2015

Snail, And, Андрій Присяжнюк, 2013, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2013: AND - Powerful Snail

Енергія, Djem, Андрій Горбаль, 2015, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2015: Djem - Energy

Bird Two, Djem, Андрій Горбаль, 2014, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2014: Djem - Bird Two

Зупинити чекання, Djem, Андрій Горбаль, 2014, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2014: Djem - Stop the Waiting

Гнів, Djem, Андрій Горбаль, 2014, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2014: Djem - Anger

Bird, Djem, Андрій Горбаль, 2013, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2013: Djem - Bird

Без назви, Djem&Kalkov, 2013, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2013: Djem & Kalkov

Тиша, Djem, Андрій Горбаль, 2012, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2012: Djem - Silence

Bird House, Djem, Андрій Горбаль, 2012, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2012: Djem - Bird House

Робота з фрагментами, Dima Mykytenko, 2013, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2013: Azo - Work With fragments

Робота з фрагментами 1, Dima Mykytenko, 2013, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2013: Azo - Work With fragments 1

Робота з фрагментами 2, Dima Mykytenko (, 2013, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2013: Azo - Work With fragments 2

Робота з фрагментами 3, Dima Mykytenko, 2013, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2013: Azo - Work With fragments 3

Робота з фрагментами 4, Dima Mykytenko, 2013, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2013: Azo - Work With fragments 4

Робота з фрагментами 5, Dima Mykytenko, 2013, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2013: Azo - Work With fragments 5

Робота з фрагментами. Панорама, Dima Mykytenko, 2013, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2013: Azo - Work With fragments

Owl, Djem, Андрій Горбаль, 2012, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2012: Djem - Owl

Colibri, Djem, Андрій Горбаль, 2012, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2012: Djem - Colibri       

Без назви, and, 2014, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2014: AND

Без назви, and, Андрій Присяжнюк, 2011, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2011: AND

Без назви, And, Андрій Присяжнюк, 2010, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2010: AND

Без назви, And, Андрій Присяжнюк, 2010, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2010: AND

Planemo, Djem & Planet, Андрій Горбаль, Роман Гриб, 2013, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2013: Djem & Planet - Planemo

Зародження зла, Djem, Андрій Горбаль, 2013, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2013: Djem - Birth of Evil

Народний гнів, Djem, Андрій Горбаль, 2014, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2014: Djem - National Evil

"Enlightment. Circulation", Kalkov, 2014, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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20134: Kalkov - Enlightment. Circulation

ECO, Andrew Kalkov & Sergiy "York" Torbinov, 2011, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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2011: Andrew Kalkov & Sergiy "York" Torbinov - ECO

"Circulation. The Tree of Life", Kalkov, 2014, From the collection of: Respublica Street Art Festival.
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Credits: Story

Artists—And, Djem, Kalkov,  Teck, Magic Art Group

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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