Dashi & Umami: The Essence of Japanese Cuisine

Although Japanese cuisine is rich in diversity and visually attractive, there is one element underlying its appeal that is not apparent to the eye

Washoku 3 items of autumn by Chef Tetsuo Takenaka, Seiwaso, Traditional Kyoto CuisineUmami Information Center

Dashi is a deceptively simple but essential element of umami. It is the stock that forms the basis of, and invisibly permeates much of, Japanese cuisine. Dashi differs from other kinds of stock in that, rather than using simple ingredients boiled over a long period, as is the case with Western bouillon, it uses carefully prepared ingredients. These ingredients are patiently matured and are only soaked in water or heated briefly so as to extract nothing but the very essence of the ingredients’ flavor.

Kombu dashiUmami Information Center

Dashi most commonly utilizes a combination of kombu (kelp seaweed) and katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes), but other ingredients used to make dashi are shiitake mushrooms and niboshi (small dried fish). Dashi making has evolved over a long period of time. Boiling is known to have been used in Japanese cooking since the Jomon period (c. 13,000-300 BCE), and the stock from shellfish and fish-bones was used to flavor other dishes.

Inosinate accounts for most of the umami in dried bonito (katsuobushi)Umami Information Center

By the seventh century, a dashi using kombu and katsuobushi had developed. This was refined further and has become Japan’s most indispensable cooking stock. It is generally used in two forms – ichiban (primary) dashi and niban (secondary) dashi. Despite its hidden role, dashi could be said to be the heart of Japanese cuisine, not because of the prominence of its own flavor, but because of the way it enhances and harmonizes the flavors of other ingredients. The secret of Japanese cuisine is this art of enhancing and harmonizing.

Pour out DashiUmami Information Center

Umami: the key to dashi’s taste

A single word holds the key to the magic of dashi – umami. In 1908, Professor Kikunae Ikeda of Tokyo Imperial University discovered a taste in kombu dashi not accounted for by any combination of the basic tastes of sweet, salty, bitter, and sour. He identified the source of this taste as glutamate. The taste itself he named ‘umami’.

Professor Kikunae IkedaUmami Information Center

In 1913 and 1957, there followed the discovery of inosinate and guanylate respectively as sources of umami. Since the 1980s, further research has led to a wide international acceptance of umami as the fifth taste. The ingredients of dashi are all rich in the substances that have become the source of umami. Kombu has the highest natural levels of glutamate of any foodstuff in the world.

Inosinate accounts for most of the umami in dried bonito (katsuobushi)Umami Information Center

Katsuobushi and niboshi contain high levels of inosinate, and dried shiitake mushrooms contain high levels of guanylate. Umami has multiple benefits; as well as being the fifth basic taste, it has a synergistic effect. When two sources of umami are combined, the umami taste is boosted, producing a result greater than the sum of the ingredients. Umami also serves to enhance other tastes, bringing a satisfying fullness and freshness to the food it permeates.

Ingredients of DashiUmami Information Center

What is dashi made from?

The Japanese stock known as dashi is an indispensable part of Japanese cuisine. It is made using a number of special ingredients and it serves to transform the flavor many dishes. The subtle flavor of most types of dashi might not be easily identified in a dish. What dashi does, however, is to accentuate and draw out the flavor of other savory ingredients, resulting in an increased depth, intensity, and complexity in flavor. How the dashi achieves this is intrinsically linked to umami.

Variety Comparison of Dashi Variety Comparison of DashiUmami Information Center

Variety Comparison of Dashi Variety Comparison of DashiUmami Information Center

kombuUmami Information Center

Kombu (kelp)

Kombu, which grows in abundance off the northern island of Japan, Hokkaido, is harvested and dried before use. It can also be used on its own to make vegetarian dashi. The choicest kombu used to be shipped with great care from far off Hokkaido to Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan that flourished for nearly a thousand years. In the Heian period (794-1185 CE), shojin ryori, a type of vegetarian cooking, was introduced along with the teaching of Buddhism.  Kombu dashi (kelp stock) is indispensable for enhancing the taste of the vegetables used in shojin ryori. The ingredients used in shojin ryori consist entirely of vegetables and soybean products – meat, fish, and seafood are never used.

How to Katsuobushi is made:Umami Information Center


Katsuobushi is made from bonito, a sea fish that appears throughout Japanese cuisine. The fish is dried and then injected with a beneficial mold that induces fermentation, leading to a deeper, richer flavor. The process takes several months, and results in a surprisingly hard, yet flavorsome, food. Once the blocks are ready, they are shaved using a special blade. Other fish, such as tuna, mackerel, and sardine, can also be cooked in this way.

Dashi ingredients - dried shiitakeUmami Information Center

Dried shiitake

Another ingredient common in vegetarian dashi is Japan’s best- known, indigenous mushroom, the shiitake. It is sun-dried to intensify the taste before being soaked in water to create a delicious stock that complies with the strict rules of shojin (Buddhist vegetarian) cuisine.

NiboshiUmami Information Center


The other main ingredient used in dashi is niboshi, a term that covers a number of different types of small, dried fish such as anchovy and pilchard. They are traditionally sun-dried and then cooked in water to create the stock, which has a strong taste with a slightly bitter edge, and is suited to robust dishes such as miso soup and hotpots.

DASHI and UMAMIUmami Information Center

Primary dashi: Ichiban Dashi

Classic dashi is made using kelp and katsuobushi (dried bonito). A range of stocks of different character can be created from just these two ingredients. The most prized is ichiban (primary) dashi, which is made by soaking or gently heating the finest kombu and briefly adding katsuobushi. It is used in dishes such as clear soups, where the aroma and quality of the stock is of utmost importance. Meanwhile, niban (secondary) dashi is made by reusing the ingredients from ichiban dashi to create a less refined but more versatile stock.

Primary Dashi Ichiban DashiUmami Information Center

Clear soup of steamed lotus dumpling (2018-01/2018-01) by Chef Takeshi Kawanishi, Hisago zushiOriginal Source: umami website recipe_7

The effect of umami in dashi

Umami Substance in Kombu dashi and Ichiban dashi from a luxurious traditional ryotei restaurant in Kyoto. The umami substance found in kombu dashi is glutamate alone, one of amino acids, while in ichiban dashi, were approximately same amount of the glutamate and inosinate, nucleotide.

Tasting of dashiUmami Information Center

Kombu dashi contains umami of glutamate, a kind of amino acid. In ichiban dashi, the synergistic effect that occurs from glutamate and inosinate of nucleotide makes us taste umami 8 times more than the quantity of the real umami substance. There is research saying that umami synergy becomes strongest when the amount of glutamate and inosinate is almost the same. So, the recipe of ichiban dashi served at the restaurant in Kyoto can be said to be very reasonable.

umami substance and intensity in kombu dashi & ichiban dashi umami substance and intensity in kombu dashi & ichiban dashiUmami Information Center

umami substance and intensity in kombu dashi & ichiban dashi umami substance and intensity in kombu dashi & ichiban dashiUmami Information Center

Washoku 3 items of summer by Chef Mitsuru Saiki, Jikishinbo Saiki, KyotoUmami Information Center

Healthy Japanese cuisine in the global spotlight

Recent years have seen a growing shift in the developed world toward fewer calories and animal fats, as people look to prevent lifestyle diseases and maintain good health. As part of this dietary trend, Japanese cuisine has enjoyed burgeoning popularity, thanks to its health properties. Rather than relying on animal fats, Japanese cooking uses the umami of dashi to highlight the intrinsic flavors of ingredients, and chefs from all over the world have started visiting Japan to study these cooking techniques.

Healthy Japanese cuisine in the global spotlightUmami Information Center

Learning how to make Japanese dashi, they master the use of umami as an alternative to animal fats before going on to develop their own approaches to umami-oriented cooking. For instance, a kaiseki-style bento box made by one traditional Japanese restaurant uses over 40 different ingredients, yet contains fewer than 500 calories. The secret is the Japanese cooking technique of using the umami of dashi to enhance flavors.

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