Roots and Rituals: A Timeline of Carlos Villa

Discover the enduring influence of San Francisco artist Carlos Villa (1936–2013)

By Asian Art Museum

Timeline written by Theodore S. Gonzalves, Mark Dean Johnson, and Trisha Lagaso Goldberg. Images researched and sourced by Theo Lau.

Introduction: A Timeline of Carlos Villa (2022) by Asian Art MuseumAsian Art Museum

1930s: Carlos Villa and the "Bachelor" Uncles (2022) by Asian Art MuseumAsian Art Museum

1930s: Carlos Villa and the "Bachelor" Uncles (2022) by Asian Art MuseumAsian Art Museum

1950s: Carlos Villa and the Beats (2022) by Asian Art MuseumAsian Art Museum

1960s: Carlos Villa in New York CIty (2022) by Asian Art MuseumAsian Art Museum

1970s: Carlos Villa Reflects on Empire and Solidarities (2022) by Asian Art MuseumAsian Art Museum

1970s: Carlos Villa Reflects on Empire and Solidarities (2022) by Asian Art MuseumAsian Art Museum

1960s-1980s: Filipino Americans and Global Social Movements (2022) by Asian Art MuseumAsian Art Museum

1960s-1980s: Filipino Americans and Global Social Movements (2022) by Asian Art MuseumAsian Art Museum

1990s: Carlos Villa Considers the Philippines (2022) by Asian Art MuseumAsian Art Museum

2000s: Carlos Villa's Late Work (2022) by Asian Art MuseumAsian Art Museum

2013 Onward: Filipino American Community Today (2022) by Asian Art MuseumAsian Art Museum

Carlos Villa: Worlds in Collision

This timeline is part of Carlos Villa: Worlds in Collision at the Asian Art Museum. This groundbreaking exhibition shows us Villa not only as one of the most important artists of his generation, but also as a teacher, curator, activist, and community organizer.

Credits: Story

Carlos Villa: Worlds in Collision is co-organized by the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco and the San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI).

The presentation at the Asian Art Museum is made possible with the generous support of the Henry Luce Foundation and The Bernard Osher Foundation. Additional support is provided by Malou Babilonia and Terra Foundation for American Art.

Sustained support generously provided by the following endowed funds:
Akiko Yamazaki and Jerry Yang Endowment Fund for Exhibitions
Kao/Williams Contemporary Art Exhibitions Fund

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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