Ange Leccia

When the sea meets the coast

La Mer – HOT SPOT – Caring For a Burning World #162 (1991) by Ange LecciaLa Galleria Nazionale

Ange Leccia, La mer

Ange Leccia’s video La mer suggests the idea of increasing sea levels through evocative images of gravity-defying rising waters.

What's the first thing you think of when I say Hot Spot?

I think of where the sea meets the shore, in the Mediterranean Sea.

What is the "hottest" contemporary theme nowadays?

Our reaction to nature and climate.

How artistic practice can actively influence these issues?

When the artist practice is linked to the world, this topic can’t be avoided.

How was it to confront with other artists in Hot Spot?

It would enrich my practice and my research.

Credits: Story

Interview by Giulia Locci. Photo by Adriano Mura.

Credits: All media
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