UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Rwanda

Another step towards conservation of natural heritage and preserving the memory of the victims for the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi

Nyungwe viewRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

A country of a thousand hills

Rwanda boasts a rich natural and cultural heritage. Recognizing its importance, the country ratified the 1972 World Heritage Convention and the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Mountain GorillaRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

Conservation efforts

Rwanda champions gorilla conservation, boosting numbers with conservation partners & protecting habitats. They've created protected areas like Mukura-Gishwati (a World Biosphere Reserve) and Volcanoes National Park (part of the network since 1983).

Colobus monkeyRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

The year 2023, unforgettable step towards conservation

Marking a historic moment, Rwanda inscribed its first World Heritage Sites at the 45th UNESCO summit in Riyadh. This achievement strengthens the country's dedication to conservation.

ChimpanzeeRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

1. World Heritage Sites in Rwanda: Nyungwe National Park

This is the first natural heritage site to be inscribed on UNESCO's list.

Established as a natural reserve in 1933, Nyungwe forest became a National Park in 2005 in a bid by the governemnt to bolster its protection and safeguard endangered and endemic species it harbours.

Straddling the border with Burundi, Nyungwe National Park spans 101,900 hectares. It shelters over a dozen primates including Chimpanzee, 322 bird species, and boasts nearly 300 butterfly species, including several found nowhere else on Earth.

Nyamata Genocide Memorial by Government of RwandaRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

2. Genocide Memorial sites

The inscription of Gisozi, Murambi, Nyamata and Bisesero memorial sites preserves & honors the memory of the victims they represent throughout the world.

This recognition strenghtens the fight against Genocide denial and will serve to educate the present and future generations.

Lake BureraRwanda Cultural Heritage Academy

Underlining Rwanda's conservation dedication, researchers are busy creating inventories to nominate new natural wonders for World Heritage status.

The inscription of Nyungwe & 4 Genocide Memorials on UNESCO's  heritage list is a historical achievement from different stakeholders. Rwanda is committed to work closely with local communities and experts for further conservation and exploitation of natural and cultural heritage.

Credits: Story

Content contributors: Yvette Tuyishime, Chantal Umuhoza
Exhibit curator: Chantal Umuhoza

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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