Ayrson Heráclito

The world is spiritually sick

Image from the performance of "Bori" by Ayrson HeráclitoPinacoteca de São Paulo

Offering (Ebó) to the world

Ayrson Heráclito and Joceval Santos, artists as well as Candomblé priests, perform a great ebbó, a ceremonial “cleansing” of the world carefully prepared according to the Yoruba traditions of Brazil.

Image from the performance of "Bori" by Ayrson HeráclitoPinacoteca de São Paulo

What is the "hottest" contemporary theme nowadays?

Undoubtedly the environmental issue that is related to several other themes on world tensions.

Image from the performance of "Bori" by Ayrson HeráclitoPinacoteca de São Paulo

How artistic practice can actively influence these issues?

Art plays a decisive role in the transformations of the symbolic universe in the world. When creative forms of activism are activated, we are producing changes and ways of dealing with fundamental issues for humanity.

Image from the performance of "Bori" by Ayrson HeráclitoPinacoteca de São Paulo

How was it to confront with other artists in Hot Spot?

Extremely enriching, a variety of coping tactics and struggles to try to save nature.

Image from the performance of "Bori" by Ayrson HeráclitoPinacoteca de São Paulo

What do you think is the main visitors' feeling in Hot Spot?

I believe that the main sensation is to encourage the public to carry out possible gags, engagements in their daily practices in relation to environmental struggles.

Image from the performance of "Bori" by Ayrson HeráclitoPinacoteca de São Paulo

Choose a claim for an aesthetic activism manifesto

My activism has always been mythic political-aesthetic. That is why we must consider that the world is spiritually sick and urgently needs ecological healing technologies.

Credits: Story

Interview by Giulia Lotti. The images from the performance "Bori" (2008-2022) are courtesy of the artist and Pinacoteca de São Paulo.

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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