
The painting depicts the post-liberation government which assumed power after the German occupation of Denmark, 1940-45. The date is 9 May 1945, and the government and the royal family are receiving representatives of the Allied forces in the same room (the Joint Hall) that the painting now hangs in. The occasion was the reopening of the Rigsdag after World War II had come to an end and Denmark was once again a free country.
© Folketinget


  • Title: The Liberation Government 1945
  • Creator: Dan Sterup-Hansen
  • Creator Lifespan: 1918/1995
  • Creator Nationality: Danish
  • Creator Gender: Male
  • Date: 1991
  • Physical Dimensions: w1100 x h270 cm
  • Original Title: Befrielsesregeringen 1945
  • Danish Description: Maleriet skildrer befrielsesregeringen, som fulgte efter den tyske besættelse af Danmark 1940-45. Datoen er den 9. maj, 1945, hvor regeringen og den kongelige familie modtager repræsentanter fra de allierede styrker i det selvsamme lokale (Fællessalen), som maleriet hænger i. Anledningen var Rigsdagens genåbning efter krigen. 2. Verdenskrig var slut, og Danmark var igen et frit land.
  • Provenance: © Dan Sterup-Hansen/billedkunst.dk
  • Type: Oil on canvas

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