
YUE Mingjun, born in Daqing of Heilongjiang Province in 1962, now lives and works in Beijing. Yue uses theatrical structure to form the context of his works. The unique characteristics and distinctive style have allowed him to establish himself as a key figure in Chinese contemporary arts. Free and leisure –10 comes from a series of works that were created in 2003. Characters in the painting all look alike. In bathing suits and with big grin on their faces, they pose absurd and ridiculous gestures. The title of the work implies the idealism where "man and heaven coexist in harmony". In the painting, however, what we see is only irony and absurdity.


  • Title: Free and Leisure-10
  • Creator: Yue Minjun
  • Date: 2003
  • Physical Dimensions: h200 x w300cm
  • Provenance: Todat Art Museum
  • Type: Oil on canvas
  • Physical Format: h220 x w300cm
  • Creator Nationality: Chinese

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